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dan_l's Articles In Blogging » Page 4
June 27, 2010 by dan_l
This is pretty typical of deliverables I see every day. Well, it's not always that bad---usually people can at least take the time to do some alignment. But you get the point. Text really isn't great for something like this because you really can't clearly see highs, lows, trends, whatever. It just is. It's a pretty good place to use a chart, but if you're not a chart ninja, odds are your output will be the defaults, which isn't that much better. You'd actually ha...
June 26, 2010 by dan_l
Well put : The movement scored a big win this week in South Carolina, where state Rep. Nikki Haley romped past a four-term congressman to win the GOP nomination for governor. Still, for all the attention the tea party movement has gotten and all the passion of its followers, a rough accounting at the ballot box shows the movement has just about as many losses as victories. Money has proved an impediment. Organization — or, rather, the lack of it — has become another. &qu...
June 26, 2010 by dan_l
Carey Roberts is like a 9000 year old man. He totally hates women, especially those uppity feminist bitches . Seriously, this guy is a sick twisted individual . I read Carey Roberts because he reminds me that as the father of a 2 year old girl, I have a parental responsibility to maintain awareness that people like him exist and to mock him mercilessly for being old and deservedly waking up in piles of his own excrement due to having lost control of his bowels sometime during the late 80'...
June 24, 2010 by dan_l
Matt Miller in the WaPo does a good job of pissing in everybody's wheaties . The fascinating thing is that both groups are correct about the obsolescence of the other side's key premises, yet blind to the staleness of their own. What partisans on neither side seem to sense is that events are poised to consign many traditional priorities of both conservatives and liberals to the ash heap. You'd never know this from the phony way public life is conducted. While independents a...
June 22, 2010 by dan_l
Oh god. You, may remember candidate Sharron Angle who told us that we're getting close to violently overthrowing the United States government and that 'the first thing we need to do' is to 'take Harry Reid out' . Now she's letting us know exactly what she thinks about the unemployed : "We have put in so much entitlement into our government that we really have spoiled our citizenry and said you don't want the jobs that are available," OHHHHHHHH HELL YES. HELLLLLLLLL YES. T...
June 21, 2010 by dan_l
Ouch. A humdinger from EJ Dionne. Read the whole thing. But, a money shot: But conservatism is a diverse movement with many philosophical threads and tensions. Successful conservative politicians such as Ronald Reagan (and George W. Bush in his first term) kept the peace among economic, social and big business conservatives while moderating the movement's public rhetoric. In opposition, conservatives often manage to bury their differences. But conservatism has flown apart when its compone...
June 20, 2010 by dan_l
Oh this is just delicious : BP chief executive Tony Hayward took a day off Saturday to see his 52-foot yacht "Bob" compete in a glitzy race off England's shore, a leisure trip that further infuriated residents of the oil-stained Gulf Coast. Ouch. Ohhh yeah, that one is going to hurt. I know. I know. There's a tiny vocal majority who's still in a post orgasmic state from Joe Barton's heart felt apology. I'm sure they're going to look at this yacht fiasco and babb...
July 20, 2010 by dan_l
I didn't bother reading the comments, but I'm sure they're not pretty. Redstate : Mark Williams is a complete moron for writing that piece when and how he wrote it. It surpasses the level of stupid often relegated to Ron Paul. He gave the NAACP exactly what they wanted. He allowed himself to become distracted and lashed out in emotional response. Had Mr. Williams showed a bit of patience, he could have been writing today about real racism in the NAACP courtesy of Andrew Brei...
July 19, 2010 by dan_l
Linky here : The first of the fundamental objections bristled at the phrase "culturally modern." Was this code for jettisoning social conservatives from the Republican party? Two answers. First, "culturally modern" refers to a lot more than just the abortion/stem cells/same-sex marriage cluster of issues. A culturally modern party is one comfortable with science and technology, with women's equality, and with a globalized economy. It'...
July 18, 2010 by dan_l
Still more bwa ha ha ha. This NAACP thing is the gift that's just going to keep on giving : Vice President Biden said Sunday that neither he nor the president thinks the Tea Party is a "racist organization," after the NAACP voted Tuesday to condemn the "racist elements" in the conservative activist movement. Biden, speaking on ABC's "This Week," said both members and those on the "periphery" of the movement have expressed "racist...
July 18, 2010 by dan_l
BWAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA Oh god : After screaming all week that there is absolutely no racism in Tea Party groups, today the “National Tea Party Federation” expelled Mark Williams and his “Tea Party Express” for … something. Couldn’t be racism, there is none in the Tea Party. You might remember Mark Williams as the medium sized fish who almost got away before totally going Chernobyl with the White Guy Argument (TM) blogpost . The presser from the Natio...
July 16, 2010 by dan_l
Gizmodo : If these people would spend even some of the energy that they spend on these comic books, reading the Bible, well no high hopes here. They have turned comic book characters into idols, and worship them they do! Isaiah 2:8 Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: 9 And the mean man boweth down, and the great man humbleth himself: therefore forgive them not. It is time to put away the silly vanities and turn ...
July 16, 2010 by dan_l
He just couldn't leave it alone .... Perhaps the most racist point of all in the tea parties is their demand that government "stop raising our taxes." That is outrageous! How will we Colored People ever get a wide screen TV in every room if non-coloreds get to keep what they earn? Totally racist! The tea party expects coloreds to be productive members of society? Astounding. TPM says it best: Again, for the record: this how an official ...
July 14, 2010 by dan_l
This one might get away : "They make more money off of race than any slave trader ever. It's time groups like the NAACP went to the trash heap of history where they belong with all the other vile racist groups that emerged in our history," - Mark Williams, a national spokesman for the Tea Party Express. He might come back for it though. I don't think the bait gets any better.
July 14, 2010 by dan_l
Oh this is fantastic . The NAACP has passed a resolution condemning racism in the Tea Party movement. The resolution was approved in a vote by more than 2,000 delegates at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Kansas City. Versions of the resolution condemned "explicitly racist behavior" in the Tea Party movement and called on people to "repudiate" what it described as racist elements of the...