Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on June 26, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

Carey Roberts is like a 9000 year old man. He totally hates women, especially those uppity feminist bitches. Seriously, this guy is a sick twisted individual. I read Carey Roberts because he reminds me that as the father of a 2 year old girl, I have a parental responsibility to maintain awareness that people like him exist and to mock him mercilessly for being old and deservedly waking up in piles of his own excrement due to having lost control of his bowels sometime during the late 80's (ok, the last part is just fun. Seriously: at least with Fred Phelps we know there's at least a 15% chance he's a troll. This guy is the real deal.

Anyway he believes this to be news:

Everyone seems to be going ga-ga over this month's primary victories of three female candidates in California and South Carolina. I really don't understand all the fuss. Because once again, 2010 will be the Year of the White Male Voter.

Here's why.

Representing 36% of all voters, the 45.1 million white male electorate represents the second largest electoral bloc in America, after white females (48.8 million white women voted in the 2008 presidential election, accounting for 39% of the total count).

That's right! Just like the last election and every one before that, white male voters will wield a ton of electoral power!

Gee Carey. Thanks for that intellectual conservative minute. Here's some other things Carey has just learned and wishes you to know:

-The Deep Water Horizon is kind of a disaster

-John Lennon is dead

-Women will soon (or maybe already?) have the right to vote

-His diaper is looooooaded and the smell ain't so good.

-There are a ton of people in China.

-The intertubez have really taken off.

on Jun 26, 2010
