Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on July 28, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

Phyllis Schlafly and Carey Roberts are a match made in heaven.

1. Both are old. Like ancient.

2. Both hate women, especially Uppity Feminist Bitches (TM).

3. Both shit themselves.

4. Both only do missionary because Jesus would be very unhappy with any more exotic bedroom behaviors.

While stumping for a candidate in Michigan named 'Rocky', Phyllis had this to say:

“One of the things Obama’s been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government…For example, do you know what was the second biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? Obviously the blacks were the biggest demographic, yall know what was the second biggest? Unmarried women. 70% of unmarried women voted for Obama. And this is because when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother Government to be your provider. And they know that. They’ve admitted it. And they have all kinds of bills to continue to subsidize illegitimacy, which is now nationwide, running at 41%. 1.7 million babies were born in our country illegitimately last year. The Obama administration wants to continue to subsidize this group because they know they are Democratic votes. Republicans never could have given the amount of money they are going to get. And as Ronald Reagan said, if you subsidize something you are going to get more of it, and if you tax it you’re going to get less of it. [Applause]

Charming. Really.

Schlafly is actually kind of a prolific character in conservacrazy history. Her organization, Eagle Forum, is generally thought to be pioneers of the so called 'pro-family' movement and is typically associated with perfecting some of the principle 'logic' that allows social conservatives to really hate on the queer folks and women without acknowledging that they're actually hateful bigots and instead believing they're just doing the work of Jeebus. It's not like it's an artful manipulation, people who believe that imaginary men are coming back to Earth with fire and brimstone to take revenge on all of us not voting Republican are clearly pretty easy to trick.

As an aside, Schlafly's spawn is Andy Schlafly. Andy is the slack jawed homeschooled yocal behind Conservapedia. Conservapedia is 'conservative wikipedia' and is a fun read if you want to laugh at the unfortunate intellects of others.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 28, 2010

I really admire Phyllis Schlafly and so your article title caught my eye.

I admire her because in every aspect of her life, Phyllis Schlafly has shown herself to be a classic lady. She loves God, family and country and it shows in her family life and work. She is a rock solid conservative who supports American sovereignty, the private enterprise system, the US Constitution, the sanctity of life as a gift from our Creator, the right of parents to guide and education their children.



1. Both are old. Like ancient.

So what? We all get old Dan, that's a fact.

2. Both hate women, especially Uppity Feminist Bitches (TM).

Wrong. Her work shows she hates radical feminism mischief...specifically their goals that result in fatherless children, divorce, and illegitimacy to name a few.  Her books provide a reasoned criticism of the radical feminist movement and their follies in every aspect of the culture. One of the feminist goals is to eradicate from our culture everything that is masculine and remake it into a gender neutral society.

They've accomplished it to the point that men wear earrings and women have tatoos. the unfortunate intellects of others.

Your #3 and 4 comments are disgusting proof of your unfortunate intellect.

on Jul 28, 2010

I admire her because in every aspect of her life, Phyllis Schlafly has shown herself to be a classic lady. She loves God, family and country and it shows in her family life and work. She is a rock solid conservative who supports American sovereignty, the private enterprise system, the US Constitution, the sanctity of life as a gift from our Creator, the right of parents to guide and education their children.


Really?  Really?!?  Because I just noticed in in the OP, she was telling us that a sitting president is 'subsidizing' 'illegitimate' children to make more democratic votes. very 'classy' of her. 


One of the feminist goals is to eradicate from our culture everything that is masculine and remake it into a gender neutral society.

YEAH YEAH AND OBAMA IS HELPING.  Do this---and I'll chunk these instructions down for you to make it nice and simple: 

1.  Call your doctor

2.  Make an appointment. 

3.  Drive to your appointment (if you're allowed to)

4.  Tell him you need to up your medication. 

So when last I read some pap you said, you were babbling that gay folks have an agenda too.  Now it's the feminists?  Do both of them have an agenda?  Is it a joint venture? 


They've accomplished it to the point that men wear earrings and women have tatoos.

Ohhhh yeah.  Women with ink.  The world is ending. 


Your #3 and 4 comments are disgusting proof of your unfortunate intellect.

No.  No.  Once again, it only shows the following: 

1.  You lack the ability to detect sarcasm. 

2.  You're so dogmatic about your jeebus, you lack the ability to reason.  

3.  You really do love being ignorant.  Your public proclamation of respect for Schlafly only bolsters the fact. 



Incidentally, what else have the voices told you to believe today?

on Jul 29, 2010

link quote:

And this is because when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother Government to be your provider. And they know that. They’ve admitted it. And they have all kinds of bills to continue to subsidize illegitimacy, which is now nationwide, running at 41%. 1.7 million babies were born in our country illegitimately last year. The Obama administration wants to continue to subsidize this group because they know they are Democratic votes

lula posts:

I admire her because in every aspect of her life, Phyllis Schlafly has shown herself to be a classic lady. She loves God, family and country and it shows in her family life and work. She is a rock solid conservative who supports American sovereignty, the private enterprise system, the US Constitution, the sanctity of life as a gift from our Creator, the right of parents to guide and education their children.

Really? Really?!? Because I just noticed in in the OP, she was telling us that a sitting president is 'subsidizing' 'illegitimate' children to make more democratic votes. very 'classy' of her.

Yes really.

Telling the truth is always a "classy" thing to do.

Truly caring for children is always a "classy" thing to do.

Phyllis Schlafly has shown by her life and work that she truly cares for children and told the truth about the scourge of illegitimacy and the president and congress subsidizing it.




lula posts:

Your #3 and 4 comments are disgusting proof of your unfortunate intellect.

Dan_1 posts:

No. No. Once again, it only shows the following: 1. You lack the ability to detect sarcasm.

Okay, you call it "sarcasm". Then your "sarcasm" is disgusting proof of your unfortunate intellect.


Schlafly is actually kind of a prolific character in conservacrazy history. Her organization, Eagle Forum, is generally thought to be pioneers of the so called 'pro-family' movement and is typically associated with perfecting some of the principle 'logic' that allows social conservatives to really hate on the queer folks and women without acknowledging that they're actually hateful bigots and instead believing they're just doing the work of Jeebus. It's not like it's an artful manipulation, people who believe that imaginary men are coming back to Earth with fire and brimstone to take revenge on all of us not voting Republican are clearly pretty easy to trick.



2. You're so dogmatic about your jeebus,

And since you claim to be Catholic  your # 3 and 4 comments as well as these above, reveal your lack of the supernatural virtue of Charity (love) for Our Lord Jesus and your fellow neighbor.









on Jul 29, 2010

Schlafly is actually kind of a prolific character in conservacrazy history. Her organization, Eagle Forum, is generally thought to be pioneers of the so called 'pro-family' movement and is typically associated with perfecting some of the principle 'logic' that allows social conservatives to really hate on the queer folks and women without acknowledging that they're actually hateful bigots and instead believing they're just doing the work of Jeebus. It's not like it's an artful manipulation, people who believe that imaginary men are coming back to Earth with fire and brimstone to take revenge on all of us not voting Republican are clearly pretty easy to trick.


Your assertion that Eagle Forum allows conservatives to hate "queer folks and women" is not true. The key word here is "hate". There is no movement, no entity or person who has the authority to allow others to hate, as you say, "queer folks and women".

Anyone who is doing the work of Our Lord Jesus Christ follows His universal command to "love one another".

Hate is a personal thing and I don't see hate of anyone in the Eagle Forum link.






on Jul 30, 2010

Telling the truth is always a "classy" thing to do. Truly caring for children is always a "classy" thing to do.

You believe that quote is the 'truth'?  You believe that quote indicates that she 'cares about the children'?  You're absolutely out of your mind.  I am embarrassed for you. 


And since you claim to be Catholic your # 3 and 4 comments as well as these above, reveal your lack of the supernatural virtue of Charity (love) for Our Lord Jesus and your fellow neighbor.

Don't say 'our'.  Your god isn't my god.  Don't confuse the two. 

Your assertion that Eagle Forum allows conservatives to hate "queer folks and women" is not true.

Yes.  Actually it is.  That's what the eagle forum has done throughout it's entire history. 

Anyone who is doing the work of Our Lord Jesus Christ follows His universal command to "love one another".

If you really believe that Phyllis Schalfly is doing the work of your lord Jesus Christ, you're deranged. 


on Jul 30, 2010

Here's more 'truth', 'class' and 'work of Lula's Lord Jesus Christ' from ol' Phyllis: 


At one point, Schlafly also contended that married women cannot be sexually assaulted by their husbands.

"By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape," she said.




on Jul 30, 2010

And since you claim to be Catholic your # 3 and 4 comments as well as these above, reveal your lack of the supernatural virtue of Charity (love) for Our Lord Jesus and your fellow neighbor.

Don't say 'our'. Your god isn't my god. Don't confuse the two.

There are reasons for things Dan.  Since Catholicism teaches there is but One God in Three Divine Persons, Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Ghost, and since you claim to be Catholic and since I am Catholic, I rightly said,  Our Lord Jesus Christ. 

I know who my Lord and God is; and if it is as you say, that your God is not my god, then you are the one who is clearly confused.


Lula posts:

Your assertion that Eagle Forum allows conservatives to hate "queer folks and women" is not true.

Yes. Actually it is. That's what the eagle forum has done throughout it's entire history.

Then back up your claim with factual proof.

I've read the mission statement and Here is Eagle Forum link you provided. I don't see one iota of proof of your assertion that Eagle Forum allows conservatives to hate "queer folks and women".  

Eagle Forum supports American sovereignty 
We oppose opening U.S. northern and southern borders to a North American Community, or Security and Prosperity Partnership, or any kind of economic integration.

We oppose all encroachments against American sovereignty through United Nations treaties or conferences that try to impose global taxes, gun registration, energy restrictions, feminist goals, or regulation on our use of oceans.

We support the deployment of an anti-ballistic missile defense to protect American lives.

Eagle Forum supports American identity 
We support establishing English as our official language.

We support immediate border security to stop the entry of illegal aliens, illegal drugs, women seeking to give birth to "anchor babies," Third World diseases, criminal gangs, and potential terrorists.We oppose all variations of amnesty and guest-worker visas. Our first task is to assimilate the millions of non-English-speaking foreignborn who are legal residents.

We support reduction in income taxes and lower taxes on families with children.

We support the private enterprise system and reject the false dogmas that tax-and-spend government or a global economy can solve our social and economic problems.

We support putting control of health care spending in the hands of individuals by making health insurance tax deductible for all persons, not just for employers.

Eagle Forum supports the Constitution 
We support the sanctity of human life as a gift from our Creator, as proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence.

We oppose all efforts to call a new Constitutional Convention that could rewrite our U.S. Constitution.

We support congressional action to curb the Imperial Judiciary by refusing to confirm activist judges and by withdrawing jurisdiction from the federal courts over areas where we don’t trust them, such as the Pledge of Allegiance, the Ten Commandments, the Boy Scouts, and the definition of marriage.

We support the right of individuals to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed in the Second Amendment.

We support making elections honest by requiring positive identification for voters, cleaning up registration rolls, and enforcing ballot security.

Eagle Forum exposes the radical feminists 
We support constitutional amendments and federal and state legislation to protect the institution of marriage and the equally important roles of father and mother.We honor the fulltime homemaker and her rights in joint income tax returns.

We oppose the feminist goals of stereotyping men as a constant danger to women, while at the same time pushing women into military combat against foreign enemies.

Eagle Forum successfully led the ten-year battle to defeat the misnamed Equal Rights Amendment with its hidden agenda of tax-funded abortions and same-sex marriages.

Eagle Forum supports traditional education 
Every child should be able to read by the end of the first grade and should be taught to read using phonics.We urge parents to teach their own children to read before they enter school. Reducing illiteracy is an Eagle Forum priority.

We oppose and deplore the dumbing down of the academic curriculum through fads such as Outcome-Based Education and courses in self-esteem, diversity, and multiculturalism.

We oppose liberal propaganda in the curriculum through global education and Political Correctness.

We support parents’ rights to guide the education of their own children, to protect their children against immoral instruction and materials, and to home-school without oppressive government regulations.

We oppose the feminist goal of federally financed and regulated daycare.

Eagle Forum was a primary factor in passing the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment, and we strongly support its enforcement to protect children against psychological testing and mental-health screening without parental consent.

Eagle Forum sponsors programs for Eagle Forum Collegians and Teen Eagles so they will be taught accurate information about American history and current issues.


Join Eagle Forum
so you will have a voice at
the U.S. Capitol and at State Capitols.

Learn how to participate in self-government
so you can be a policymaker.
Be a "doer, not a hearer only."

Hate is a personal thing and I don't see hate of anyone in the Eagle Forum link.


Eagle Forum's Mission is to enable conservative and pro-family men and women to participate in the process of self-government and public policy making so that America will continue to be a land of individual liberty, respect for family integrity, public and private virtue, and private enterprise.

Eagle Forum's achievements prove that citizen-volunteers can affect government policies in Congress, state legislatures, city councils and school boards; elect candidates at every level; and articulate conservative and pro-family policies through the media.


"Eagle Forum has set a high standard of volunteer participation in the political and legislative process.... You've been out front on so many of the most important issues of our time.... Your work is an example to all those who would struggle for an America that is prosperous and free.... Our nation needs the kind of dedicated individual volunteer service you and Eagle Forum have demonstrated over the last 20 years.... God bless all of you for your dedication to God, Family, and Country. "

-- President Ronald Reagan

"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31.



Phyllis Schlafly, President






on Jul 30, 2010

So when last I read some pap you said, you were babbling that gay folks have an agenda too. Now it's the feminists? Do both of them have an agenda? Is it a joint venture?

Yes, I, as well as the other bloggers, gave irrefutable proof that there is a homosexual movement actively promoting its agenda. A person has to be willfully blind to deny it.  There is also a radical feminist movement actively promoting its own agenda.  They both have common roots in the soil of sexual libertinism and social engineering. In short, they are both heavily into antinomianism, the rejection of law, in particular of the moral law. They tend to work together seeking above all else, existence without limits on their appetities and for that reason their common goal is to eradicate Christian principles from the public square, education, the military, and so forth. 



on Jul 31, 2010

I know who my Lord and God is; and if it is as you say, that your God is not my god, then you are the one who is clearly confused.

LOL.  Don't tell me what my faith is. I don't think I've ever heard of a a catholic church where somebody with your knuckle dragging puritanical thoughts on faith would even be considered to be tolerated. 


Then back up your claim with factual proof.

Lula:  what do you think the eagle forum stands for? 


Here's your friend Phyllis on domestic sexual abuse:

At one point, Schlafly also contended that married women cannot be sexually assaulted by their husbands.

"By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape," she said.


Here's the 'classy' lady on sexual harassment:

“Sexual harassment on the job is not a problem for virtuous women”


Here she is caring about the children:

“Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions”


Here's more class:

“It's very healthy for a young girl to be deterred from promiscuity by fear of contracting a painful, incurable disease, or cervical cancer, or sterility, or the likelihood of giving birth to a dead, blind, or brain-damage (sic) baby even ten years la”


I could go on, and on, and on.  This woman is a positively despicable human being, as is anyone who would affiliate themselves with her organization, as is any candidate who would seek her endorsement, as is anyone who would actively support her. 

You're right.  there are 'reasons for thing'.  Like the reason that most of Schlafly's acolytes these days are the homeschooled mouthbreathers:  because anybody who's been exposed to like---the real world and shit---realize that this woman is absolutely batshit.


So if you don't call it bigotry or hate what do you call it?  give us your delicate, nuanced explanation for a woman who apologizes for rape?  Or one who believes that any woman who is sexually harassed deserves it? What's your term for it? 


Yes, I, as well as the other bloggers, gave irrefutable proof that there is a homosexual movement actively promoting its agenda.

Yeah, if by agenda you mean "seeking equal rights in civil society". 


They both have common roots in the soil of sexual libertinism and social engineering.

OH NOES!!!! Not sexual libertinism!!!


They tend to work together seeking above all else, existence without limits on their appetities and for that reason their common goal is to eradicate Christian principles from the public square, education, the military, and so forth.

You're high.  You have to be.  Have you been hitting the sacramental wine?  They seek to eradicate Christian principles?  No.  I don't a single gay person who wants to 'eradicate christian principles'.  I don't know a single woman who talks about 'eradicating christian principles' and I haven't been to a single pride parade where anybody spent any time worrying about Christian Principles.  This fantasy of yours is just that.  It's a perception.  Because you feel that the world is passing you buy and that values are morphing away from the irrelevant, it must be a conspiracy against you. 

Lula, you're really not very bright and you really love jesus.    I get it.   But being a supporter of a woman who---at the very least---apologizes for rape and sexual abuse really isn't a good thing. 



on Jul 31, 2010

I don't think I've ever heard of a a catholic church where somebody with your knuckle dragging puritanical thoughts on faith would even be considered to be tolerated.

You know what? It's now evident that you don't know or greatly misunderstand the Catholic Faith. My thoughts on faith as expressed on these JU pages, are in lockstep with 2,000 years of constant Catholic Church teaching.  You cannot logically rail at me for believing and expressing the one Faith and morals taught by Christ to His Apostles and to their successors down through the centuries to today that  haven't changed one iota.

The whole point of Catholic Faith and morality is that we are to control our selves in our thoughts, words and actions, and live like human beings with great dignity made in the image and likeness of Almighty God.

We might want something, but wanting doesn't give us a right to steal it.

The unborn babe in the womb might be a problem, but that does not give us a right to kill him. 

As far as sexual activities outside of lawful marriage, no matter whom or what we might be sexually attracted, that attraction doesn't give us licence to be unchaste.





on Jul 31, 2010

Lula posts:
Your assertion that Eagle Forum allows conservatives to hate "queer folks and women" is not true.

Yes. Actually it is. That's what the eagle forum has done throughout it's entire history.

Then back up your claim with factual proof.

So far you've given what you consider is proof of hate as far as women are concerned, (and I'll comment on that below) but no proof that Eagle Forum allows conservatives to hate "queer folks". (Keep in mind that no one has the authority to allow hate of other people.)

Lula: what do you think the eagle forum stands for?

That link you provided does an excellent good job stating what Eagle Forum stands for.

Here's your friend Phyllis on domestic sexual abuse:

At one point, Schlafly also contended that married women cannot be sexually assaulted by their husbands.

"By getting married, the woman has consented to sex, and I don't think you can call it rape," she said.

Here's the 'classy' lady on sexual harassment:

“Sexual harassment on the job is not a problem for virtuous women”

Here she is caring about the children:

“Sex education classes are like in-home sales parties for abortions”

Here's more class:

“It's very healthy for a young girl to be deterred from promiscuity by fear of contracting a painful, incurable disease, or cervical cancer, or sterility, or the likelihood of giving birth to a dead, blind, or brain-damage (sic) baby even ten years la”


So if you don't call it bigotry or hate what do you call it? give us your delicate, nuanced explanation for a woman who apologizes for rape? Or one who believes that any woman who is sexually harassed deserves it? What's your term for it?

I disagree with Schlafly that married women cannot be sexually assualted by their husbands and that virtuous women cannot be sexually harrassed.  I admire her, I didn't say she's perfect or never been wrong on anything. I think she's wrong on these two points,  but not bigoted or hateful for saying it.

I agree with her last two points.





on Jul 31, 2010

Yes, I, as well as the other bloggers, gave irrefutable proof that there is a homosexual movement actively promoting its agenda.

Yeah, if by agenda you mean "seeking equal rights in civil society".

People who call themselves homosexual already have equal rights in civil society. It's special rights that force societal acceptance of homosexual behavior they are seeking.



on Jul 31, 2010

lula posts:

They tend to work together seeking above all else, existence without limits on their appetities and for that reason their common goal is to eradicate Christian principles from the public square, education, the military, and so forth.

They seek to eradicate Christian principles? No.

Yes. Christian principles and people who hold them are the only obstacles in their way of wholesale acceptance of homosexuality. Both the homosexual and radical feminist movements hate the moral order and God's law which condemns homosexuality and the slaughter of innocent babies in the womb by the practice of abortion. 

Redefining Marriage is another example. 

You see existence without limits is not possible as long as Christian principles are upheld by society.

I haven't been to a single pride parade where anybody spent any time worrying about Christian Principles.

Ha ha. Of course. That's the point.


Because you feel that the world is passing you buy and that values are morphing away from the irrelevant, it must be a conspiracy against you.

I know that people who dare to speak out against the sickening campaign to promote homosexuality as an acceptable even praiseworthy lifestyle are being punished, fined, or criminalized.  The threat of prosecution for hate crimes already exists....and a hate crime in Canada is publicly stating that homosexual behavior is depraved and a sin. 

on Jul 31, 2010

You know what? It's now evident that you don't know or greatly misunderstand the Catholic Faith. My thoughts on faith as expressed on these JU pages, are in lockstep with 2,000 years of constant Catholic Church teaching.

Sorry Lula, but you're wrong. 

1.  You're not God.  You're not the arbiter of Catholicism.  You're not even able to rationalize your faith into a modern world view.  You're so old testament that it's positively laughable.  Perhaps, rather then questioning other people's faith, you should spend more time reflecting on whether it's your place to do so. 

2.  I spent 20 years of of my life in Catholic education.  You clearly do not have an education. 


So far you've given what you consider is proof of hate as far as women are concerned, (and I'll comment on that below) but no proof that Eagle Forum allows conservatives to hate "queer folks". (Keep in mind that no one has the authority to allow hate of other people.)

do you really want me to go through and find you all of Schlafly's quote on gay folks? 


I disagree with Schlafly that married women cannot be sexually assualted by their husbands and that virtuous women cannot be sexually harrassed.

Hey.  Phyllis Junior!  Don't you think that rape is a sufficiently serious issue to warrant more than a disagreement?  "ohhh she's ok, except for that part where she says that if a husband rapes his wife, it's not rape". 


I think she's wrong on these two points, but not bigoted or hateful for saying it.

So how do you explain it? Is she still 'classy' and 'speaking truth' and doing the work of your lord? 


People who call themselves homosexual already have equal rights in civil society.

Not when they're not allowed to enter into fundamental civil contracts such as marriage, serve openly as who they are within the united states military, not to mention numerous other issues that come up. 


ristian principles and people who hold them are the only obstacles in their way of wholesale acceptance of homosexuality.

See Lula, that's the problem:  your christian principles aren't designed for politics.  they're designed for your personal life.  Keep your pathetic interpretation of God out of government. 

I haven't been to a single pride parade where anybody spent any time worrying about Christian Principles.

Ha ha. Of course. That's the point.


No lula, it's not.  The point is, there's no 'agenda' to break down your supposed principles.  The point is that you're not being 'targeted'.  But you are doing the 'targeting' of queer folks just looking to live their lives. 


I know that people who dare to speak out against the sickening campaign to promote homosexuality as an acceptable even praiseworthy lifestyle are being punished, fined, or criminalized. The threat of prosecution for hate crimes already exists....and a hate crime in Canada is publicly stating that homosexual behavior is depraved and a sin.

That's because it is hate Lula.  Look around you. 



on Aug 02, 2010

lula posts:

You know what? It's now evident that you don't know or greatly misunderstand the Catholic Faith. My thoughts on faith as expressed on these JU pages, are in lockstep with 2,000 years of constant Catholic Church teaching.

Dan posts:

You're not even able to rationalize your faith into a modern world view.

Doing so would be making a grave, noxious error. Rationalizing the Catholic Faith (Christianity) into a modern world view is a heresy called "Modernism"and was condemned by Pope St.Pius X. Look up his Encyclical letter entitled "Pascendi Dominici Grecis", September 8th, 1907. It's a fascinating read.

First, Faith is a Divine virtue by which one is disposed to firmly believe all truths that God has revealed and the Church teaches.

Second, all truths that God has revealed through the Church's Deposit of Faith (Sacred Scripture and Tradition) are infallible. My Catholic faith (the Catholic religion) rests upon infallible truths. Infallible truths can never change or be changed so therefore, to rationalize the Catholic Faith into a modern world view is anathema. 

Since we've been discussing it....take homosexuality for an example. God has revealed His truth concerning sodomy in both the Old and New Testaments as well as Sacred Tradition. God's truth held and taught by the Catholic religion does not/ can not change with the passage of time or world views or cultures.   

World views and world cultures become irrelevant, however, the Catholic religion and way of life has always been relevant and will be until the end of the world. On that, we have Christ’s promise. 

A true Catholic cannot accommodate the modern world and act as if it can be reconciled with Catholicism. It cannot.

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