Phyllis Schlafly and Carey Roberts are a match made in heaven.
1. Both are old. Like ancient.
2. Both hate women, especially Uppity Feminist Bitches (TM).
3. Both shit themselves.
4. Both only do missionary because Jesus would be very unhappy with any more exotic bedroom behaviors.
While stumping for a candidate in Michigan named 'Rocky', Phyllis had this to say:
“One of the things Obama’s been doing is deliberately trying to increase the percentage of our population that is dependent on government…For example, do you know what was the second biggest demographic group that voted for Obama? Obviously the blacks were the biggest demographic, yall know what was the second biggest? Unmarried women. 70% of unmarried women voted for Obama. And this is because when you kick your husband out, you’ve got to have Big Brother Government to be your provider. And they know that. They’ve admitted it. And they have all kinds of bills to continue to subsidize illegitimacy, which is now nationwide, running at 41%. 1.7 million babies were born in our country illegitimately last year. The Obama administration wants to continue to subsidize this group because they know they are Democratic votes. Republicans never could have given the amount of money they are going to get. And as Ronald Reagan said, if you subsidize something you are going to get more of it, and if you tax it you’re going to get less of it. [Applause]
Charming. Really.
Schlafly is actually kind of a prolific character in conservacrazy history. Her organization, Eagle Forum, is generally thought to be pioneers of the so called 'pro-family' movement and is typically associated with perfecting some of the principle 'logic' that allows social conservatives to really hate on the queer folks and women without acknowledging that they're actually hateful bigots and instead believing they're just doing the work of Jeebus. It's not like it's an artful manipulation, people who believe that imaginary men are coming back to Earth with fire and brimstone to take revenge on all of us not voting Republican are clearly pretty easy to trick.
As an aside, Schlafly's spawn is Andy Schlafly. Andy is the slack jawed homeschooled yocal behind Conservapedia. Conservapedia is 'conservative wikipedia' and is a fun read if you want to laugh at the unfortunate intellects of others.