Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on June 21, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

Ouch. A humdinger from EJ Dionne. Read the whole thing. But, a money shot:

But conservatism is a diverse movement with many philosophical threads and tensions. Successful conservative politicians such as Ronald Reagan (and George W. Bush in his first term) kept the peace among economic, social and big business conservatives while moderating the movement's public rhetoric. In opposition, conservatives often manage to bury their differences. But conservatism has flown apart when its components have come into conflict or when extreme rhetoric has come to the fore.

Thus has Obama brought back to life a venerable if disturbing style of conservative thinking. In the short run, the new movement's energy threatens him. In the long run, its extremism may be his salvation.

Meanwhile, put that in context with something like this, by way of Say Anything:

That last number is the one that has to sting for Obama. If the independents have abandoned him, he’s left with only the hardcore partisans and a sliver of the middle.

If the current trend is maintained (or, lets face it - not improved) Barry will - in theory - be ripe for the picking. Make no mistake: the GOP will fill up the clown car of candidates again. But do they have a candidate who can both capitalize on the available centrist/middle road voters while simultaneously pacifying the very vocal and very angry teabag crowd.

on Jun 21, 2010

Make no mistake: the GOP will fill up the clown car of candidates again. But do they have a candidate who can both capitalize on the available centrist/middle road voters while simultaneously pacifying the very vocal and very angry teabag crowd.

They don't.

The tea crowd are a diverse group, a mixture of reasonable conservatives, conservatives that no liberal would vote for (Palin), and complete loonies (Paul). How do you find a candidate who appeals to these three and the general public? It's impossible. That's Obama's great chance to stay in office.

My hope is that the Democrats will be so unhappy with him that they will run somebody else. Three years ago I was happy with Hillary but it turns out she is not Bill.

Conservatives THINK that liberals are afraid of Sarah Palin but in reality liberals hope that Republicans will run her. Sarah Palin has absolutely no chance to gain any votes from liberals. None. Liberals are not afraid of her, liberals are afraid that Republicans will abandon her.

But maybe the GOP will sort itself out before long and run a normal candidate. Personally, I'd support Mitt Romney.



on Jun 21, 2010

You detract from your message by using the slur term of Tea bag.  But that is your choice.  If you want to be taken seriously, then discuss it seriously. not like a shill for Rahm Emmanuel.

on Jun 21, 2010

My hope is that the Democrats will be so unhappy with him

Not a chance. 


You detract from your message by using the slur term of Tea bag. But that is your choice. If you want to be taken seriously, then discuss it seriously. not like a shill for Rahm Emmanuel.

I call them Teabaggers because it's a term of respect.   Or something. 






on Jun 21, 2010

I call them Teabaggers because it's a term of respect. Or something.

No, it is a term of derision and dismissal.  If you want to be honest, call them what they are.  Tea Partiers.  If you want to evoke an emotional response, continue to use the term, but that only shows your bias, and minimizes any chance for a rational debate or discussion.

on Jun 21, 2010

the very vocal and very angry teabag crowd

If you want to be honest, call them what they are. Tea Partiers. If you want to evoke an emotional response,

This is an emotional response: EAT SHIT!

Google this: teabagger

on Jun 21, 2010

You see, I distinctly remember a series of youtube videos a while back calling for people to send teabags to their representitives, so I can see where the "teabagger" is coming from. Could something better have been chosen? Sure, but then again instead of getting your panties in a twist every time someone uses teabagger, you could, you know, do a little research and see if there's a viable non-sexual reason for the title. Of course that would require you to actually expand your viewpoint, and based upon the majority of posts I've seen here, I'm not entirely sure that's possible. As it turns out, the tea partiers used it first, but I got that information from wikipedia, so obviously it's no good compared to any one of the tea party propaganda sites, even if it does cite its sources.

on Jun 21, 2010

Don't play dumb, you know as well as anyone "teabagger" is a term used by libs and other misfits to describe tea partiers as perverts.

Sending a teabag though the mail is easier than sending a tea party. Duh

on Jun 21, 2010

So obviously the photos of people with signs saying teabag the liberal dems before they teabag you are photoshopped or part of an evil liberal plot to discredit the tea partiers. Of course, you probably haven't seen those signs on the propaganda sites you get your information from so I fully expect to get shit rained down upon me.

on Jun 21, 2010

So obviously the photos of people with signs saying teabag the liberal dems before they teabag you are photoshopped or part of an evil liberal plot to discredit the tea partiers. Of course, you probably haven't seen those signs on the propaganda sites you get your information from so I fully expect to get shit rained down upon me.

Got a link for it?

The term was coined by Keith Olbermann, the most homophobic racist news caster in the biz.  It was meant to be derogatory and it is.  That does not mean you cannot use it.  But it clearly shows that the one using it does not have anything constructive to add to the discussion.  Prior to it being used by Olbermann (and Obama), it was a slang term dealing with oral sex on the male genitalia.  That is why Olbermann used it - it was thew only thing his puny little mind could think of at the time. (Obama as well - he was off the teleprompter).

on Jun 21, 2010

DoomBringer90, which is the source cited in the wikipedia article

#1. Never use Wiki as a source.  They have already been shown to only print what one sides wants to see.

#2. More than one picture would have been nice.  We already know that the Obama Administration has issued marching orders to taint the tea party movement (Documented on  So the question for the "Washington Independent" is  - "did they actually talk to the holder of the sign and get an indication of their politics?".

As far as the site is concerned, I will not make a judgment call on whether they are right left or center.  However it is clear, they do lack any type of journalistic endeavors.

on Jun 21, 2010

Looks like an innocent slogan to me. If it was meant to be sexual all I can say is "better them libs then me"