Matt Miller in the WaPo does a good job of pissing in everybody's wheaties.
The fascinating thing is that both groups are correct about the obsolescence of the other side's key premises, yet blind to the staleness of their own. What partisans on neither side seem to sense is that events are poised to consign many traditional priorities of both conservatives and liberals to the ash heap.
You'd never know this from the phony way public life is conducted. While independents are America's largest voting bloc, the left and right retain a stranglehold on the debate. Only the shrill prevail. On TV, talk radio or the campaign trail, it's almost impossible to hear the kind of common sense that takes us beyond the usual partisan tropes.
It ends with that kind of 3rd party sort of horseshit that usually results on the declarent having 3 more martinis, telling you he thinks the greens are finally ready to make a run, and riding his bike home because he's afraid of a dui. Not that any of the above is bad by itself, but you get the idea.