Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on July 19, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

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The first of the fundamental objections bristled at the phrase "culturally modern." Was this code for jettisoning social conservatives from the Republican party?

Two answers.

First, "culturally modern" refers to a lot more than just the abortion/stem cells/same-sex marriage cluster of issues.

A culturally modern party is one comfortable with science and technology, with women's equality, and with a globalized economy. It's a party that regards New York City and Silicon Valley as just as much "real America" as Kentucky and South Dakota.

And why otherwise may be harmful:

One reason we got stuck with Sarah Palin for VP in 2008 was that when McCain (wisely) decided he wanted a woman running mate, he bumped into this constraint: all the other Republican female senators and governors were pro-choice, and therefore were excluded from consideration from the start.

The bar is shifting:

Yet it is a fact that many Republicans and (yes!) many conservatives are prochoice. Many more favor stem-cell research. Many again were appalled by the Terri Schiavo episode. Younger Republicans and conservatives, like younger Americans generally, are moving to acceptance of same-sex marriage.

What's fascinating is that the one way the GOP could have made social conservatism work long term would be embracing Mexican immigrants who are largely Roman Catholic and largely would be inclined to fall for the 'family values' shtick. Given just how public the rank and file's disdain for them thar Mex-he-cans, it's safe to say that those votes will go elsewhere.

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