Oh this is just delicious:
BP chief executive Tony Hayward took a day off Saturday to see his 52-foot yacht "Bob" compete in a glitzy race off England's shore, a leisure trip that further infuriated residents of the oil-stained Gulf Coast.
Ouch. Ohhh yeah, that one is going to hurt. I know. I know. There's a tiny vocal majority who's still in a post orgasmic state from Joe Barton's heart felt apology. I'm sure they're going to look at this yacht fiasco and babble something "OH YEAH WELL HE HAS THE RIGHT TO GO AND TAKE A TRIP ON HIS YACHT THATS BUSINESSY CAPITALISM, YOU PINKO TRASH". Of course he has the right to go on his yacht. He also has the right to go to a restaurant somewhere in Louisiana, smear shit all over the walls of the bathroom, and skip out on the check. But see, that's what we call 'bad taste'. By virtue of being behind Joe Barton, you clearly don't have great command of the concepts of 'taste', so this one is going to be a little bit beyond you:
Tony Hayward will likely be 'stepping down' shortly to pursue 'other opportunities' probably at a green energy think tank or fund raising for an NPO that teaches kids with no legs to read. So, 2 weeks. Under or over?
This isn't exactly a shocker either. If you've been paying attention, Hayward recently had his roles in the Gulf situation substantially reduced by the Board of Directors.
“This has now turned into a reputational matter, a financial squeeze for BP and a political matter, and that is why you will now see more of me,” said the chairman, who stepped into the spotlight this week when he led BP’s delegation to a meeting with President Obama in the White House.
I'm going to guess that a company of BP's size, sophistication, scope can survive the bajillions of dollars associated with the law suits, the ongoing cleanup/remediation, the handouts from the escrow account. What they can't survive is the brand being a total loss. You have to assume that BP's BoD understands that the name "British Petroleum" is worth quite a bit and that this crisis for them really has that on the hook.
Here's a secondary question: likelihood that Barton's apology will get shoved up his ass sideways with great success during his next election?