Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on July 14, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

Oh this is fantastic.

The NAACP has passed a resolution condemning racism in the Tea Party movement.

The resolution was approved in a vote by more than 2,000 delegates at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Kansas City.

Versions of the resolution condemned "explicitly racist behavior" in the Tea Party movement and called on people to "repudiate" what it described as racist elements of the Tea Party. The final text of the resolution has not yet been made available, however, and that language may have changed.

I don't know about you, but I think the bat shit crazy, easily excited dopes on one side of the aisle will handedly defeat the bat shit crazy, easily excited assclowns of the other side. That one side will be the clear cut victor!

Shocking enough, AllahPundit calls it pretty close:

They’ll probably finesse it so that it targets “racist elements” within the tea-party movement rather than declaring the movement itself wholly and irretrievably racist, but of course the goal is to taint everyone involved by association. Despite its absurdities and own occasional racist excesses, the NAACP still has moral authority to burn when it comes to race. So this will serve two purposes: One, it gives them a shot of relevance per the endless media hyperventilating that’ll ensue once they pass it, and two, it’s obviously a nice weapon for Democrats to wield against grassroots candidates like Sharron Angle and Rand Paul in the fall.

Emphasis mine. Adding a bit...

It's pretty simple. It's not just 'tainting' , it's the hope that they'll bait somebody into opening their mouths. Many members of the tea party are, as I've mentioned at least a zillion times before, totally out of their minds. By virtue of becoming a flag bearer for such an organization, it could be reasonably assumed that they're not exactly rational people. Irrational people can be IRL trolled----and trolled pretty well. In the thousands, (millions?) of these retards, they'll probably get one. They'll get one to run his mouth and say some stupid white guy shit---even if it's a benign stupid white guy statement---it can be painted into validation of what the NAACP just did.

A better trophy: getting one of the notoriously brain dead candidates. Mark my words: the moment this one hit the news hard, Sharron Angle was escorted to an undisclosed secure location with a party guy filling her mouth with a mixture of peanut butter and concrete.

Weigel says: (yeah, that Weigel)

And to imply that stunts like his are such a pressing problem that they will be one of the few selected for action by the NAACP is to concede that there isn't much real racism to worry about. It's the sort of headline-hungry act that shadows the NAACP's other priorities -- one example being Michelle Obama's admonition for African-Americans to "increase intensity," which is now being spun by Limbaugh et al as a call for more racial outrage, instead of what she meant, the call for community-building that basically every black politician issues at this conference.

Incidentally, what did the NAACP have to do to book the first lady?

LGF, amusingly:

Members of the Tea Party movement vehemently deny that their movement is racist.

Note: every word in that last sentence is a link, and there were lots more

As an aside, a great source of humor for me are people who talk about "the Chicago way" every time Obama does...well...just about anything. It's symmetrical to the Bush era canard of the dreaded 'neo-con'/Rove thing. It's fun for me, because most of the hicks that you hear saying it haven't the slightest idea what Chicago politics look like nor could most of them find Chicago on a map. That being said, you've got permission on this one. This one is on page 140 of the playbook.

Normally I think blatant race baiting is bad. But when dealing with a group who has spent much of recent months bending over unemployed people --- I just seem to be consumed with the urge to not give a shit.

on Jul 14, 2010

I appreciate your views, and your labeling.

2 wrongs do not make a right.  I have yet to hear the resolution from the NAACP of the New Black Panthers (crickets chirping).  That is racism too, and shows them to be as racist as those they condemn.  2 wrongs do not make a right.

on Jul 14, 2010

So much nonsense.

on Jul 14, 2010

The NAACP is against any group or individual that would reduce or eliminate entitlement programs, and/or remove the Black versus White issues (because that's what keeps their coffers full). when they call a fellow black man, that happens to disagree with them, an "Uncle Tom"... they have lost any shred of credibility. As DG said two wrongs don't make a right.

on Jul 14, 2010

I have yet to hear the resolution from the NAACP of the New Black Panthers (crickets chirping). That is racism too, and shows them to be as racist as those they condemn. 2 wrongs do not make a right.


LOL.  DG, I don't know how to make this more explicit for you: 

The NAACP are just the clowns on the left who are getting called up (incidentally, out of nowhere, politically) to go through some mud at the clowns on the right.  Both 'movements' are just that.  Astroturfed tools who can make a lot of noise, draw some press, be outraged at nothing and to validate stupid. Both sides dope supporters will demand some 'refudiation' but it's all theater.