Unreal : "Many argue that these children that are born to illegal aliens are really still under the jurisdiction of the Mexican government," Paul said in an interview earlier this week with Right Wing News. "I think we need to fight that out in the courts. If we lose, then I think we should amend the Constitution because I don't think the 14th amendment was meant to apply to illegal aliens. It was meant to apply to the children of slaves." Paul...
Matt Miller in the WaPo does a good job of pissing in everybody's wheaties . The fascinating thing is that both groups are correct about the obsolescence of the other side's key premises, yet blind to the staleness of their own. What partisans on neither side seem to sense is that events are poised to consign many traditional priorities of both conservatives and liberals to the ash heap. You'd never know this from the phony way public life is conducted. While independents a...
Oh god. You, may remember candidate Sharron Angle who told us that we're getting close to violently overthrowing the United States government and that 'the first thing we need to do' is to 'take Harry Reid out' . Now she's letting us know exactly what she thinks about the unemployed : "We have put in so much entitlement into our government that we really have spoiled our citizenry and said you don't want the jobs that are available," OHHHHHHHH HELL YES. HELLLLLLLLL YES. T...
Ouch. A humdinger from EJ Dionne. Read the whole thing. But, a money shot: But conservatism is a diverse movement with many philosophical threads and tensions. Successful conservative politicians such as Ronald Reagan (and George W. Bush in his first term) kept the peace among economic, social and big business conservatives while moderating the movement's public rhetoric. In opposition, conservatives often manage to bury their differences. But conservatism has flown apart when its compone...
Oh this is just delicious : BP chief executive Tony Hayward took a day off Saturday to see his 52-foot yacht "Bob" compete in a glitzy race off England's shore, a leisure trip that further infuriated residents of the oil-stained Gulf Coast. Ouch. Ohhh yeah, that one is going to hurt. I know. I know. There's a tiny vocal majority who's still in a post orgasmic state from Joe Barton's heart felt apology. I'm sure they're going to look at this yacht fiasco and babb...
Matt Yglesias: Public Wants More Stimulus talking about the results of a recent gallup poll. Nuts and bolts of the poll: Those surveyed want the gov to spend money to make jobs, tinker with the energy industry to save us from global warming, regulate the shit out of the banking industry and kill Obama care. The quote: Obviously just because the public supports something (health care repeal, for one) doesn’t mean congress shouldn’t do it. But many members of congress—and, indee...
If you're a Linux user or you're looking for a good excuse to come over to the darkside, Google CL Tools seems pretty good . Looks like they're supporting quite a few google services already . Actually, it appears to be just a python script, which probably means somebody could either run it on windows or port it to windows without much hassle. I don't know about anybody else, but my productivity bend has lead me to become quite the fan of being mouse free where ever possible. It's real...
I can't say I agree with everything in this piece in the Economist , but it's got a nice edge to it: For several reasons. The vitriol has a xenophobic edge: witness the venomous references to “British Petroleum”, a name BP dropped in 1998 (just as well that it dispensed with the name Anglo-Iranian Oil Company even longer ago). Vilifying BP also gets in the way of identifying other culprits, one of which is the government. BP operates in one of the most regulated industries on earth with s...
What an asshole .... Sen. Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican, proposed yesterday that people seeking unemployment benefits or welfare undergo drug tests before they can receive benefits. "Too many Americans are locked into a life of a dangerous dependency not only on drugs, but the federal assistance that serves to enable their addiction," Hatch said in announcing the proposal. "This amendment is a way to help people get off of drugs to become productive and health...
Couldn't make it up if I tried : You know, our Founding Fathers, they put that Second Amendment in there for a good reason and that was for the people to protect themselves against a tyrannical government. And in fact Thomas Jefferson said it's good for a country to have a revolution every 20 years. I hope that's not where we're going, but, you know, if this Congress keeps going the way it is, people are really looking toward those Second Amendment remedies and sayin...
Where I've been: First and most important: In the most anti-climactic championship in sports history , the Chicago Blackhawks won the Cup. We had a rally, and everybody was drunk . At the same time, we're having the Blues Fest and the Crosstown ...I mean, BP Crosstown Cup . I think they changed the name to indicate what a disaster both teams are. I mean: nobody really cares this year. Although, if my White Sox win tonight, I may be able to muster the energy to carry a...
Actually not a bad piece at The Daily Beast . People are still hurting, the president conceded, but look on the bright side: Unemployment has fallen two whole percentage points to 9.7 percent, and the economy is getting stronger, with three consecutive quarters of positive GDP growth. His stimulus package was supposed to produce shovel-ready jobs that would repair our infrastructure much like the various public-works programs instituted by Hoover and Roosevelt. But instead ...
Yeah. I don't know. Village Voice : As Lorenzana's lawsuit puts it, her bosses told her that "as a result of the shape of her figure, such clothes were purportedly 'too distracting' for her male colleagues and supervisors to bear." I actually had to chew on this article for a couple of days to figure out what I really think the idea as a whole. I actually ended up consulting the smartest feminist I know on it. The nut of her answer: So, yes, there is a well establish...
when I read this bit : 1. I really like Ari Fleischer. I never had any fondness for McClellan or that tool Snow. But Fleischer was good. 2. I really don't like Helen Thomas. Sure, maybe she was blitzed and yeah she's old and we know she's not all that sharp anymore, but I"m not sure this one slides.
I just noticed this which, assuming you have maintain a healthy connection with the real world, should tell you that there is a fairly popular element of the moral values crowd that really doesn't have any business in the year 2010. Anyway, it's a good thing as we were just talking about this very same topic on another thread. Yesterday, the blog Joe. My. God., working with a reporter from Gay City News, reported that the conservative Family Research Council spent $25,000 "to lobby ...