I just noticed this which, assuming you have maintain a healthy connection with the real world, should tell you that there is a fairly popular element of the moral values crowd that really doesn't have any business in the year 2010. Anyway, it's a good thing as we were just talking about this very same topic on another thread.
Yesterday, the blog Joe. My. God., working with a reporter from Gay City News, reported that the conservative Family Research Council spent $25,000 "to lobby Congress against approving a resolution denouncing Uganda's plan to execute homosexuals."
The site posted three screencaps from the Family Research Council's lobbying report; they suggest $25,000 was spent on lobbying what FRC described as "Res.1064Ugandan ResolutionPro-homosexual promotion."
Of course, the whole issue was overstated just a hair:
The Tony Perkins-led FRC said it did lobby on the bill, but not to kill it - rather to change the language it contained and "to remove sweeping and inaccurate assertions that homosexual conduct is internationally recognized as a fundamental human right."
That's right. Amidst combating a policy that could only be described as Talibanesque, the FRC is focusing on what really matters: Making sure that any such official opposition to the the law doesn't validate the idea that queer folks have every right to be who they are. We wouldn't want those uppity gays to start to think they don't have to fear a good stonin', now do we?. None the less, the FRC does support "compassionate pastoral, psychological, and medical care and treatment for those who experience same-sex attractions or who engage in homosexual conduct" . And if you believe that, you may also be inclined to believe that Family Research Council founder, George Alan Rekers hired a male prostitute to carry his luggage.
To my knowledge there's 2 countries that have the death penalty for people who are gay. Sudan and Mauritania. Both are Islamic countries under Sharia law. Uganda (and Rwanda) are Christian nations.