Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on July 22, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

Frum on the Breitbart mess. I have two initial thoughts on the whole thing:

2 initial thoughts:


2. How exactly do you fuck this up? Look folks, it's not rocket science. It's not complicated. It's not difficult. Want to prove what all the real 'muricans knew all along? Go find an actual tape of an actual NAACP member saying something that is actually controversial. Post it. Make a big deal out of it. Let Hannity jerk off to it. Whatever. But do it real. It shouldn't be too hard. The NAACP is basically the Tea Party of the left. You can find a loon with a big mouth there, probably without trying all that hard. There's a lot of tape out there on these guys (they're a bit more historic than the Tea Party-Americans) and if you're going to scan 25 years of tape, you should be able to find something, anything. It'll change the subject from the ass kicking you just received from the NAACP within 2 days you go back to worrying about Real 'murican stuff like fucking unemployed people and closing up them there boarders.

Easy, right?

Apparently not. Because in his whole schtick to show how the media is a bunch of lying liars who lie about lies, Breitbart says "screw it, I'm too lazy to actually find a good wingnut to yammer over, I'm just going to doctor a tape. My intended audience is too stupid to figure it out anyway".

And the result:

This isn't a big political deal. It really isn't. I guess in terms of the narrative, it is a broken defense against the racism charge, and a broken prong, in light of the Mark Williams incident ultimately just serves to deflate the entirety of the defense. That's short lived though. Scandals like this lose context in mere moments. It just makes candasses like Riehl and Malkin who are back to "YEAH NOBODY EVER GAVE ME A TAPE OF THE TEA PARTY YELLING SLURS" seem like total fucktards for the time being. I guess it does make the faux outrage over the journalist fiasco seem a little less poignant.

It doesn't change things for Andrew Breitbart. There's nothing earth shattering about the idea that he's a second rate info pimp. And, he is correct in his assessment of his audience: they are too stupid and largely too partisan to synthesize what this means and it only proves that when they complain about 'media bias', their real complaint isn't that the media is biased, it's that it's not biased in their favor.

But it is endemic of just how far off the rails the 'conservative movement' has become when one of their folk heros does this shit and everything is okey doke. I seem to remember the rightful hubub over Rathergate, the AP shopping pictures from Israel, and numerous instances of media dishonest. The right blogosphere did not contribute much during the Bush era. They didn't contribute to the idea market, they didn't provide substantial funding for candidates, and they didn't win debates. They did fact check the media watching for shit like this. Awfully hard to do that when the biggest media offense in recent memory wasn't the mystical left wing media conspiracy, it was right there at home directly from one of their champions.

Frum says:

When people talk of the "closing of the conservative mind" this is what they mean: not that conservatives are more narrow-minded than other people — everybody can be narrow minded — but that conservatives have a unique capacity to ignore unwelcome fact.
When Dan Rather succumbed to the forged Bush war record hoax in 2004, CBS forced him into retirement. Breitbart is the conservative Dan Rather, but there will be no discredit, no resignation for him.
Instead, conservatives are consumed with a new snippets-out-of-context uproar, the latest round of JournoList quotations. Here at last is proof of the cynical machinations of the hated liberal media! As to the cynical machinations of conservative media — well, as the saying goes, the fish never notices the water through which it swims.

on Jul 22, 2010

Awfully hard to do that when the biggest media offense in recent memory wasn't the mystical left wing media conspiracy, it was right there at home directly from one of their champions.

There is nothing "mystical" about it, it is very much a fact.  I could go on for days listing all the near crimes perpetrated by the liberal directed media, but the loony left doesn't like truth.

on Jul 22, 2010

Oh and btw, the tape was not doctored at all.  That is something the left wing media does.

Nice shot trying to defend the leftist and their racist media allies, but as usual, it doesn't work.


on Jul 22, 2010

Thank you.  Thank you kindly for validating what Frum just said. It's always good to have examples right there in front of you. 


And yes.  The tape was hacked to be misleading.  That's why even staunch conservative types have backed off of it.


Alternately, there's nothing here that's 'defending' the 'near crimes' of the 'leftists' and their 'racist media allies'. Unless of course, that's what you want to read, at which point, read the Frum piece. 




on Jul 23, 2010

And yes.  The tape was hacked to be misleading.  That's why even staunch conservative types have backed off of it.

See, facts just don't matter to liberals.  The video wasn't hacked or doctored, it was only clipped to show a part of the video.  I have seen the whole video and the lady is still a racist, and her comments afterwards just affirm that.

If you want to see real doctoring of videos, check out MSNBC for one.


on Jul 24, 2010

The video wasn't hacked or doctored, it was only clipped to show a part of the video.


That's actually the funniest thing I've heard this week. "It wasn't hacked, it was just edited to mislead people". 


I have seen the whole video and the lady is still a racist, and her comments afterwards just affirm that.

And that would leave you in a deep minority of people who still buy into this story.  Do you just not understand what racism is? 



on Jul 24, 2010

That's actually the funniest thing I've heard this week. "It wasn't hacked, it was just edited to mislead people"

That's now what he said.

Either way, the lady is not a racist.

And not only Breitbart but also the administration and the NAACP made complete fools of themselves over this.

The only one who got out of this with their dignity preserved was the intended victim.

Andrew Breitbart should shut up now before all moderate voters who finally discovered that Obama is not the genius the media made him out to be think that right-wingers are even dumber.

And yes, I would call a tape that shows only part of a speech out-of-context "hacked". From context it was clear that she was referring to how wrong those thoughts were and how they didn't influence her actions. The (white) couple she referred to also confirmed the story.



on Jul 25, 2010

See, facts just don't matter to liberals. The video wasn't hacked or doctored, it was only clipped to show a part of the video. I have seen the whole video and the lady is still a racist, and her comments afterwards just affirm that. If you want to see real doctoring of videos, check out MSNBC for one.

ID I believe the point you are attempting to make about the video is the difference between one that is doctored and an excerpt.

To imply the tape was doctored {1) altered; falsified 2) repaired} is inaccurate, as you say. The images and words unquestionably are that of Ms. Sherrod. If the tape portion is shown with multiple breaks it is edited (hacked), which can be taken out of context. If a segment of the tape is shown, this is an excerpt. If excerpts are evil, then every TV news outlet is guilty everyday. I believe the Breitbart video is about 2 1/2 minutes long and don't recall if it was edited (a montage of her lecture). Since the the NAACP owns the original video, the question is what was given to Breitbart, all or part.

Having seen the NAACP version (there are questions, raised by others, if this version is complete as well). I would say Ms. Sherrod road to racial redemption is only partially complete. She has no problem branding an entire group as racists without proof other than they oppose a "black" president.

on Jul 25, 2010

 If excerpts are evil, then every TV news outlet is guilty everyday.

Not saying that TV news outlets are not guilty of this too but it is possible to show an excerpt that isn't taken out of context.


on Jul 26, 2010

I would say Ms. Sherrod road to racial redemption is only partially complete. She has no problem branding an entire group as racists without proof other than they oppose a "black" president.


Well that and you have an one dope writing letters to Abe Lincoln complaining that a lack of slavery will stop 'colored people' from getting 'wide screen tv's' and Breitbart 'excerpting in a misleading manner' a video of her to try to paint her as a ----lol----'racist'. Crazy context, I know. 

on Jul 26, 2010

I would say Ms. Sherrod road to racial redemption is only partially complete. She has no problem branding an entire group as racists without proof other than they oppose a "black" president. 

Well that and you have an one dope writing letters to Abe Lincoln complaining that a lack of slavery will stop 'colored people' from getting 'wide screen tv's' and Breitbart 'excerpting in a misleading manner' a video of her to try to paint her as a ----lol----'racist'. Crazy context, I know. 

I'm looking at Ms. Sherrod's comments alone to form my opinion, not what others are saying for or against her. It's OK if she is a liberal, supports democrat, and Obama initiatives, that's her choice, but I would say it is quite unfair for her to blanket label any group she disagrees with as racist. She claims to have suffered as a victim, one would believe she would have an good understanding of being treated unfairly. Also, it is a bit far-fetched to ascertain that those opposed to the heath care reform did it for racist reasons.

If she wants to make that claim (of racism)against Breitbart, that is up to her, but she should be careful. I haven't seen the text that accompanied Breitbart's video excerpt so I don't feel I have enough information to say if he was singling out her as a racist or if, as some are saying, it was pointed at the audience reaction (NAACP members) to her past actions. Personally, I can't see any value for Breitbart to go after her personally, she is a tiny fish in a much bigger pond.

on Jul 26, 2010

 If excerpts are evil, then every TV news outlet is guilty everyday.

Not saying that TV news outlets are not guilty of this too but it is possible to show an excerpt that isn't taken out of context. 

How much video (time) needs to be shown to consider it taken out of context? As I said, the Breitbart clip was about two and a half minutes long. It even included Ms. Sherrod's revelation, saying she realized it was not a "black verses white" issue, but a "rich verses poor" issue. CNN and MSNBC (and maybe others) edited Brietbart's clip further, omitting her revelation, when they swung into attack mode.

If Brietbart wanted to tear her up, why didn't he show the most inflammatory portions of the video (opposition to the president because of color and racists opposed health care reform)?  There is much more to this story than what is know at present. I'm sure more details will come out on the issue.

Aside from the USDA, NAACP, and possibly the administration (if it proved they had a hand in it) acting "stupidly" for firing and/or accusing Ms. Sherrod so quickly without investigation, I'm going to withhold my complete opinion on this one until more facts surface.

on Jul 27, 2010

Oh my god.  I've now heard it all.