Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on July 4, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

This is going to be fun:

The National Rifle Association is in unfamiliar terrain on the conservative firing range this election year: It’s the target.

The conservative Netroots are abuzz over the possibility that the NRA may endorse Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). This would be the second major slight by the NRA for political conservatives — the gun group also just negotiated a big exemption on a campaign finance bill loathed by the right.

Conservatives say there’s a clear political calculation at work: If Reid loses, he’s almost certain to be succeeded as majority leader by a fierce gun-control advocate, either Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin or New York Sen. Chuck Schumer.

If anything teabaggers will be glad to know that it lends a certain amount of credibility to the Angle camp. Still though, usually the NRA nod to a republican candidate is a given.

It all portends a nasty and prolonged fight between Republicans and a highly influential lobby that has long been a GOP partner in Washington policy battles — and it could hardly come at a worse time for Republicans, who see the Nevada race as one of the GOP's best opportunities to cut into Democrats’ 59-seat majority.

Oh the second part is true. No doubt. The first part? What battle are they really going to fight? All of a sudden the GOP is going to divorce the NRA? Get some teabaggers to say that they're actually against the NRA?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 06, 2010

Some people knew the blowout was coming, you did not.

In other news, 9/11 was a federal conspiracy. I saw it on the tubez. 


man with mental powers so great that he knows others, whom he never met, technical capabilities so well to make assumptions

Nitro, it's plain as day to anybody who actually is smart:  you aren't.  It's a stench that comes off of you. 


I didn't ask what you own, nor did I "bring up" ownership... you felt the need to add that bit, like it impresses people or something. A simple "I'm aware of BP campaign funding" would have sufficed (although the question was sarcasm to begin with).

LOL.  You brought something up.  I gave you an answer you didn't want.  Tough. 


I'll answer a personal attack (difference of opinion is fine, always has been) levied against me, as well as any crude slight or ridicule, direct or indirect, with the intent to marginalize or stifle the rights of others to comment. I suppose I can play rough too.


on Jul 07, 2010

In other news, 9/11 was a federal conspiracy. I saw it on the tubez.

I don't know what your conspiracy theory has to do with the price of rice in China. The fact remains that the "smart ones" sold off before the blowout(yes they did know it was going to happen)and you are bragging about owning shares of BP seventy some days after the fact.

on Jul 07, 2010

Daiwa there you have the man-child's answer.

on Jul 07, 2010

Nitro, it's plain as day to anybody who actually is smart: you aren't. It's a stench that comes off of you.

That's right you're the tech "master". LOL Your smell-o-vision must be awesome, but it's probably just your breath you're actually smelling, since it seems only shit comes out of your mouth.

LOL. You brought something up. I gave you an answer you didn't want. Tough.

Dan, didn't I just tell you I like ALL your comments (they are funny). Can't you read or just comprehend, moron?


That really got to you huh? Little Dan the bigot man, can sure dish it out, but his "wittle feewings" sure get hurt quick. Mommy sure babied you...didn't she Dan? And please get it right, the "advance" thing was a kind gesture for your wife, just in case she was tired of having a nancy boy around. Do you want to cry now? LOL

on Jul 10, 2010

That's right you're the tech "master"

Actually, I didn't refer to myself as a tech master.  I simply stated that you, most definitely, are not. 



That really got to you huh? Little Dan the bigot man, can sure dish it out, but his "wittle feewings" sure get hurt quick. Mommy sure babied you...didn't she Dan? And please get it right, the "advance" thing was a kind gesture for your wife, just in case she was tired of having a nancy boy around. Do you want to cry now? LOL

I'm just fascinated with the wanton misogyny.  Did your dad hit your mom?  Wait. 


Do you even know your dad? 




on Jul 10, 2010

Where you been Dan? Don't keep me waiting. Handle that spreadsheet emergency at work or learn to multi-task.

Actually, I didn't refer to myself as a tech master. I simply stated that you, most definitely, are not.

Cause you're psychic right? LOL Dan that's your whole schick isn't it? Go re-read your goofy little survey comment on the other thread, and explain how that wasn't your weak attempt to gage "technical" prowess next to your own. "Lookie I have a smart phone, I can text (BFD so can most eight year-olds), my mommy got me a T1 line, I never used AOL"... pathetic Dan. Until you have something relevant to say (not cut and paste) about subjects such as JWICS, GCCS-IS, or C2PC to name a few, maybe then from a technical aspect your opinion would interest me. Not likely to happen soon, don't you think? Say whatever you like about yourself Dan, between posting a little information easily found elsewhere on the internet, your inflated ego, and your lack of credibility, I'd agree, with reasonable certainty, most readers on JU get exactly where you are coming from. 

I'm just fascinated with the wanton misogyny

That's strange you should mention that Dan. I believe what "I did hit" was a nerve when I suggested you must have been babied? LOL Dan your still a infant, from a mental standpoint. You basically cry and stomp your feet when someone doesn't agree with you. You've "shared" plenty of examples by your own hand. I just don't want pin it all on your bigotry, there is much more (or should I say less than)to you that meets the eye and your doing a fine job of letting that all out. No charge for the therapy Dan...I'm happy to help. Where do you wish to start first... your troubled relationships, your hatred for others (especially Tea Party. religious, and military figures), or your superiority complex/hyper-inflated ego?

Do you even know your dad?


Humm having Daddy issues Dan? I believe your words are quite telling about your personal situation. Perhaps the next Pride parade you attend you should take your father (provided he stuck around), maybe that will boost his pride in you and you can work out that resentment. Maybe you can man-up and pay him back that money he spent on your education.

I know I said that one of your loves must have been taken away or ruined by someone in the military, but could it it have been your mom, instead? A drunken night with the fleet or extra curricular KP duty? Regardless, that hate for the military is going to tear you up Dan, you should really let it go.

BTW...since your "guessing" here, can I safely assume your psychic powers are only limited to area's of technology?

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