Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on July 3, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

Originally discussed here. My oh my, what a black eye.

For starters:

-There's a rumor floating around that only 500 were sold. As much as I would have laughs at a phone with that kind of marketing only selling 500 units, that seems a bit low. Maybe in one market they only sold 500, maybe they only sold 500 in the first week, but more jitterbugs have been sold than that. Just in 'walk in, my contract is up, I need a new phone' traffic, Verizon should have been able to sell more than 500.

-By way of Gizmodo, a whole lot of rumors of internal strife:

In May 2009, [Windows Phone engineering head Terry] Myerson, decided to kill [Kin] because it was competing with his own baby, WP7. Since WP7 was not ready (still today is by far ready!) the exec told him KIN would continue. As retaliation, he killed the support of his team to KIN project. Guess what? KIN team had to take over a lot of base code postponing all the value added apps+services. Now you get why there is lack of apps on KIN. Who will win in medium/long term? Mr Myerson obviously, that's why I decide to leave.

The previous poster conveniently neglects the fact that Kin's original plans were unrealistic - they were going to release a WP7 based device before WP7 was complete. It ignores the fact that the core WP7 team needed to focus on shipping a WP7 phone and that supporting a different additional hardware platform runs counter to that...

Had KIN management had any accountability, they would have built on top of the WP7 platform instead of grabbing several hundred people to do a one-off and then whining about the lack of support for an off platform device...

Of course, the fact that for the 1st two years the Kin plan was NOT to provide a competing application platform seems to have gone unnoticed in your little post.

The beauty of Kin is indeed the online services, which should translate well to WP7 when the time comes. Everything else is a flaming turd. This is one of those cases where MCB should have gotten all of its wood behind one arrow. Instead, management spent millions on Danger and defocused the core teams on sideshow oddities such as Kin….

This actually isn't that uncommon in big companies and working for a pretty large organization myself, I can kind of see how that would happen. After all, I don't think any single person would look at both the KIN and Super Duper Windows Phone 7 or whatever the hell it's called as being things that should coexist in the same space considering the we build it/they come approach of the competition.

-Bad marketing. I consider myself relatively engaged in tech. As I had said earlier, despite plenty of exposure to the product, I had no idea who it was geared for. That's really not a good thing.

If you want some laughs over the whole thing, click here. It's a memorial site to the KIN. For more laughs, the now prophetic words of Walt Mosspuppet - The Only Technology Journalist In the World.

on Jul 04, 2010


on Jul 04, 2010

You don't own a smart phone, do you? 

I'm just guessing.  I mean, we know you're old and we're aware that intellectual pursuits of any kind aren't really your bit, I think we can assume that you're just barely able to use a mouse.  


So please, fill out this survey:  

1.  What kind of cell phone do you have?  

2.  Have you ever sent a text message?  

3.  Is your email address

4.  Has it been an address at any point over the last 10 years?  

5.  Do you use internet explorer as your primary browser?

6.  Is it internet explorer 6?  

7.  Did your photomanager come with the camera? 

8.  Do you actually spend money on anti-virus/malware software? 



on Jul 04, 2010


on Jul 04, 2010

Dan_l has a vivid small imagination. Maybe nobody gives a damn about your article. They don't need half-wit Dan to tell them any thing they can decide for themselves.

Here's a survey for you:

1. Who gives a damn?


on Jul 04, 2010

Follow the links Nitro.  They're good.

And no need to jack him up over a post in Blogging, FCOL.  If it doesn't interest you, no need to reply at all.

on Jul 04, 2010

I'm starting to wonder if somebody might have a....ya know....'problem'.  



on Jul 04, 2010

I'm starting to wonder if somebody might have a....ya know....'problem'.

I guess when a noob takes it personal and carries it to other articles, call it a problem if you will.

on Jul 04, 2010

Follow the links Nitro. They're good. And no need to jack him up over a post in Blogging, FCOL. If it doesn't interest you, no need to reply at all.

Oh, no problem with the links (or the subject Daiwa), just some constructive criticism (note my first comment) on his style. You can take note who got nasty first. This turd pulls all his shots in blogging, so the coward forfeits the ramblings on his blog. Respect is earned. 

Besides, he got more traffic now than it ever would have saw. I'd say that was a favor.

on Jul 05, 2010

Yes.  I clearly am trying to earn the respect from America's least common denominator in Nitro Cruiser. And I'm all about traffic. 





on Jul 05, 2010

Yes. I clearly am trying to earn the respect from America's least common denominator in Nitro Cruiser. And I'm all about traffic.

I don't desire the respect of a spoiled brat, elitist, especially one that regurgitates info more easily found at more reliable sources. 

And I'm all about traffic.

I believe that... who would write (or copy and paste most of) an article on a tech related issue and not care? Especially with your huge ego to feed Dan, cause your words are the truth right? How about a sample of your social wisdom for your tech readers?

"I'm really unclear as to why the word 'teabagger' upsets this guy so much.  I mean, I don't really care... Like half of America is using that term.  Most of the people in and around major urban areas (which I assume Nitro is not) say much worse on a regular basis about these assclowns..."  Dan_L  Jul 05, 2010 LINK

In fairness to Dan, the only term I've seen him react negatively over is Liberal.

on Jul 05, 2010

I believe that...

Oh.  We know that you'd believe just about anything.  That's seems to be an overarching theme to most everything you say. 


In fairness to Dan, the only term I've seen him react negatively over is Liberal.

Actually, I find it positively hilarious.  Because when you get down to brass tacs, I'm really not.  I mean, if in your world I'm a 'liberal', you must be so far to the right that you make Phyllis Schlafly look like Susan B. Anthony. And frankly, as I know you're out of your mind insane, your classification as such really doesn't bother me---it just continues to illustrate just how poor your reading comprehension skills. 


On the NYT/Guns post, how many times did you have to reread a single sentence to figure out that I'm actually largely pro-gun?  3?  4? 

on Jul 05, 2010

We know that you'd believe just about anything.

Especially if your the author.

On the NYT/Guns post, how many times did you have to reread a single sentence to figure out that I'm actually largely pro-gun? 3? 4?

Well that's rich, seeing how you can comprehend that I don't give a damn what your "pro's" are. It's all about you Dan, isn't it? Poor center of attention Dan, too busy in "look at me" world to realize nobody cares. 

on Jul 06, 2010

Well that's rich, seeing how you can comprehend that I don't give a damn what your "pro's" are. It's all about you Dan, isn't it?


Well then stop reading, dude. 



on Jul 06, 2010

-Bad marketing. I consider myself relatively engaged in tech. As I had said earlier, despite plenty of exposure to the product, I had no idea who it was geared for. That's really not a good thing.

Bad marketing and Microsoft just does not seem to go together.  The ONLY thing Microsoft has ever done great is marketing.

on Jul 06, 2010

Well then stop reading, dude.

Wait. you stated that I said "reading wasn't my thing" in the other article. Which is it? Ohhh you"re mocking me again Dan, you little trickster. I'm going to have to keep my eye on you!

Besides why would I want to miss my next "honorable mention"? You can't mock if I don't respond...dude.