Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...

Via Salon:

The latest Steele gaffe, you might have heard by now, involves the war in Afghanistan. In an amateur video posted on YouTube, the RNC chairman calls it "a war of Obama's choosing" and "not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in." (Apparently, Steele wasn't paying attention to the news back in, say, October 2001.) He also says that history has shown that "the one thing you don't do is engage in a land war in Afghanistan."

And now Kristol has posted a plea at the Weekly Standard for Steele to step down:

Perfectly normal. Perfectly healthy. They meant to do that. Really.

Honestly: it's not like this was an off the cuff comment. This was a fairly length statement that doesn't much leeway to say it's being misinterpreted. And it's well off message.

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 12, 2010


This guy knows nothing and enjoys proving it on a daily basis. You'll have a better idea of what Brad "is" with comments like that, otherwise your stinging retort just has me all in pieces.

I only wonder how it managers to hit the spacebar without having opposable thumbs

So not funny. Again, maybe it's because it's really really old it says these things.

Now I realize where I know you from... That character in "Silence of the Lambs" must have been based on you... "It puts the lotion in the basket." Please spare me the films dance number.

Sorry Buffalo Dan... no skin dress for you here Dan.

on Jul 12, 2010

Infidelreply 36Where does this bullshit idea that we all have to explain ourselves and defend ourselves to each other come from?Well, in the real world (i.e. outside of the DNC talking points) it is called debate.  And is a requirement for anyone discussing or debating issues (merely regurgitating talking points is neither).  But JU has no rules against regurgitating talking points.  As Humbordt indicated, it does not indicate a level of intelligence as even monkeys can do it.

Doc, Infidel provides as much assistance to this bigot, as a lighted match provides assistance to checking the level of a gasoline tank.

on Jul 12, 2010

Doc, Infidel provides as much assistance to this bigot, as a lighted match provides assistance to checking the level of a gasoline tank.

No, Infidel is that to any poster.  He is kind of like the albatross.  Anyone having him on their side knows they have lost the debate.

on Jul 12, 2010

Well, in the real world (i.e. outside of the DNC talking points) it is called debate. And is a requirement for anyone discussing or debating issues

What the fuck do personal things have to do with the issues?

on Jul 12, 2010

Come on, guys....this is supposed to be a debate/blog discussion/whatever.

When it devolves into - "my eloquence/intelligence/dad is bigger than yours" then one of you has lost [the debate/plot/credibility].

There are more mediators on JoeUser than [just] Brad, but generally people are given free rein here to voice opinions/attitudes.

However, WHEN one User flames another for self-aggrandizement/amusement it's little more than trolling and will lead to censure.

Attack the topic, not the person....

on Jul 13, 2010


Well, in the real world (i.e. outside of the DNC talking points) it is called debate. And is a requirement for anyone discussing or debating issues
What the fuck do personal things have to do with the issues?

Why does your potty mouth bring up personal things?  Please point out where any of my explanation to you (since you seem to be confused on what debate and discussion is all about) has anything to do with you personally?  As if that makes a damn bit of difference to anyone.

on Jul 13, 2010

Obama promised he would shut down the Bush concentration camps in Cuba, but these Gulags are still operational and poor brown, Muslim people are being tortured by Obama.

on Jul 13, 2010

There are more mediators on JoeUser than [just] Brad,

No slight against you or the other moderators Jafo, I was just try to advise the other party that is was unwise to yank the chain of the guy paying the bills.

Attack the topic, not the person....

All for that, but I won't stand by idly while someone attempts to disparage me or others here. Just letting it go hasn't seemed to work IMO,  as the thinly veiled bigotry continues on in other articles.


on Jul 13, 2010

Obama promised he would shut down the Bush concentration camps in Cuba, but these Gulags are still operational and poor brown, Muslim people are being tortured by Obama.

What about the dreaded "Patriot Act" that Obama re-newed and sign off on? I guess it isn't the big devil of a problem now that this administration embraces it. The street protests seem to have dried up.

Even Code Pink seems to have moved away from the wars to a ban against oil. Can you say shill for the administration? 

on Jul 13, 2010

Nitro Cruiser
Even Code Pink seems to have moved away from the wars to a ban against oil. Can you say shill for the administration? 

No, more likely, the media just is not covering their anti-war rhetoric (heard from Sheehan lately?  She is still yapping).

on Jul 13, 2010

Yeah, Obama is torturing these poor people in his Cuban gulags, and the big brother wiretapping is permanent. The predator drone massacres of innocent Pakistani families has troubled me as well... I also suspect Obama of using dreaded white phosphorus on these poor brown people... He plays golf as our men die in Afghanistan... he must not care for them because he is cruel and heartless

on Jul 13, 2010

Anthony R
Yeah, Obama is torturing these poor people in his Cuban gulags, and the big brother wiretapping is permanent. The predator drone massacres of innocent Pakistani families has troubled me as well... I also suspect Obama of using dreaded white phosphorus on these poor brown people... He plays golf as our men die in Afghanistan... he must not care for them because he is cruel and heartless

You forgot Perfect Citizen - the perfect Big Brother tool that Obama has complete control over.

hear the Cricket's chirping?  That is the outrage over Perfect Citizen coming from the media and of course the Civil liberties liars.

on Jul 13, 2010

Yeah, and lest we forget Obama's assassination program on American citizens. We can be pretty sure from his own words that Anwar al-Awlaki is a bad dude, but its kind of creepy that he could be assassinated, even on US soil without any due process as an American. Where does this assassination program end? Could any American who irks team Obama get whacked without any due process? Liberals don't seem all that concerned.

on Jul 13, 2010

Can anyone name one good thing Obama has done for America? (crickets chirping).

on Jul 14, 2010

Can anyone name one good thing Obama has done for America? (crickets chirping).

Realized the dream of Martin Luther King.

"I have a dream..."

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