Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...

Via Salon:

The latest Steele gaffe, you might have heard by now, involves the war in Afghanistan. In an amateur video posted on YouTube, the RNC chairman calls it "a war of Obama's choosing" and "not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in." (Apparently, Steele wasn't paying attention to the news back in, say, October 2001.) He also says that history has shown that "the one thing you don't do is engage in a land war in Afghanistan."

And now Kristol has posted a plea at the Weekly Standard for Steele to step down:

Perfectly normal. Perfectly healthy. They meant to do that. Really.

Honestly: it's not like this was an off the cuff comment. This was a fairly length statement that doesn't much leeway to say it's being misinterpreted. And it's well off message.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jul 05, 2010

Once again: why do I need this vast support base?

To feed your huge ego Dan. Refer to the last quote on this comment.

[quote]It's just a commonly used phrase to describe those folks. You're going to have to deal with it. [/quote

So is nigger, wet-back, fag, cracker, hick, etc. That doesn't make it right Dan or do you just deal with it? Sorry, I don't excuse unwarranted, negative racial or social stereotypes. 

YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH YOU LISTEN TO LIMBAUGH AND HANNITY!?!!?! Do you really think that shit sticks? Seriously?

Well when you use their buzz words over and over, what do you expect?

Again Nitro, sad to let you know, but most urban folks think the tea party crowd are a bunch of foaming at the mouth retards. That's mostly why the tea party is lead mostly by hicks, largely made up of hicks, and focuses solely on hick issues, from a hick point of view.

Dan_l ... Voice of the people.

on Jul 06, 2010

That on some planet the tea party is actually not a largely rural/exurban phenomenon?

You've already shown yourself to be a bigot, but keep on digging if you must.

on Jul 06, 2010

So is nigger, wet-back, fag, cracker, hick, etc. That doesn't make it right Dan or do you just deal with it? Sorry, I don't excuse unwarranted, negative racial or social stereotypes.


Wait!  Wait.  So you equate 'teabagger' to a racial slur?  I just want to make sure that I understand your problem here. 


Well when you use their buzz words over and over, what do you expect?



You've already shown yourself to be a bigot, but keep on digging if you must.

Where?  What's the bigotry? 

on Jul 06, 2010

Bigotry is not confined to racial attitudes.  That you are unaware of your bigotry is unfortunate, but self-awareness is not always easy.

on Jul 06, 2010

Bigotry is not confined to racial attitudes. That you are unaware of your bigotry is unfortunate, but self-awareness is not always easy.

Well.  Bigotry towards who?  Please share. 

on Jul 06, 2010

'Support of the troops' ranks next to pro-life on the list of core conservative issues

Note the bolded word from your first comment.  Now note the title:

The GOP is not a trainwreck,

Not even spelled the same by my way of thinking.

on Jul 06, 2010

Like half of America is using that term.

Um, no.  But one would think that if they confined their movements to the illiterate literati. You can delude yourself into thinking anything you want once you start confining your listening to those with similar slants.  Only the illiterate literati are stupid enough to use the term freely and frequently.

on Jul 06, 2010

Note the bolded word from your first comment. Now note the title: The GOP is not a trainwreck, Not even spelled the same by my way of thinking.

Naturally.  Ohhhh yeah.  I forgot.  The GOP has nothing to do with the conservative movement. 


You can delude yourself into thinking anything you want once you start confining your listening to those with similar slants.

Really?  So, DG:  do you really believe those people are smart?  Do you think they're political revolutionaries?  Are they something to behold and treasure? 

Come on.  I'd like to hear this.

on Jul 06, 2010

Really? So, DG: do you really believe those people are smart? Do you think they're political revolutionaries? Are they something to behold and treasure?

Come on. I'd like to hear this.

There's your bigotry.  Hiding in plain sight.

on Jul 06, 2010

Wait! Wait. So you equate 'teabagger' to a racial slur? I just want to make sure that I understand your problem here.

Let's see - are you saying that all homosexuals are of one race?  And what race would that be?

Clearly he was talking about incendiary labels, not purely racial ones.

on Jul 06, 2010

Naturally. Ohhhh yeah. I forgot. The GOP has nothing to do with the conservative movement.

Some GOP are conservative, but not all conservatives are GOP.  Failure to understand that basic logical truth demonstrates a fundamental flaw in understanding logic.

those people are smart?

Those people?  Hmm, seems to me the illiterate literati have told me that is a racial code word phrase.  What is your definition of "those people"?

on Jul 06, 2010

Dan, it appears your witch-hunt from our first encounter has found it's witch... staring back at you in the bathroom mirror each morning.

I told you what may pass for "common" in Chicago may not fly here. Our back and forth is one thing (my skin is thick and your personality type in not new to me) but disparaging people you fundamentally disagree with in such a rude manner, is quite another. Whatever redeeming qualities you might have, this attitude will haunt them here at JU. Unless you are just "mocking" the other commenter's here for your amusement, you probably would find more like-minded folks over on DU, the Huffington Post, or the Daily Kos that can "appreciate" your demeanor better.

on Jul 07, 2010

Whatever redeeming qualities you might have, this attitude will haunt them here at JU.


Yes.  that's you.  the Admiral Of JoeUser!


nless you are just "mocking" the other commenter's here for your amusement,

Well I mock you for my own amusement.  And your fellow jesus types.  Because it's fun to toy with the intellectually underpowered. 

on Jul 07, 2010

Yes. that's you. the Admiral Of JoeUser!

No, this is the "Army" and the general is Brad.

on Jul 07, 2010

Well I mock you for my own amusement. And your fellow jesus types. Because it's fun to toy with the intellectually underpowered.

Typical idiot response, mock someone at something that doesn't interest them much. LOL Do you typically show off your minimal intelligence publicly in this manner? Maybe you should try reading/researching a little yourself Dan, instead of assuming, or don't they teach that at the burger joint? Please keep "mocking" me, it is kinda fun, though I hate the thought of taking candy from a baby, even a bigoted one like you. Hey, maybe your wife ties you up and beats you, and your looking for more of the same here. Who am I to say no?

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