Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on June 28, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging


Tea Party wacko Rick Barber, who’s running for Congress in the GOP primary in Alabama’s 2nd District, was last seen at LGF when he posted a video calling for President Obama to be impeached and openly inciting anti-government insurrection.

Well, he’s lovingly fondling his Revolutionary War pistol again, ranting about a “tyrannical health care bill,” having psychotic conversations about slavery with an actor playing Abraham Lincoln, and comparing taxes to Auschwitz. Yes, really.





Wow. I'm from Illinois. I've seen some people try some crazy things to get elected---but going on tv having a bunch of people pretending to be dead presidents agree with you? Do you think this guy even knows he's crazy?

on Jun 28, 2010

Imagine that.  Crazy people in the US and A.

on Jun 28, 2010

Imagine that.  Crazy people in the US and A.

Impossible!  They must be Canadian plants.

on Jun 28, 2010

There's a politican in Ohio who says that he has spoken to aliens.  I think that these aliens have helped him getting elected.  They also might have sponsored or donated money to him.

Maybe we should look at his finances  

P.S. I am serious!  I can't remember the guys name but he admits to talking to aliens. And not the type of Mexican persuasion.  The type that comes from outerspace. 

on Jun 28, 2010

P.S. I am serious! I can't remember the guys name but he admits to talking to aliens. And not the type of Mexican persuasion. The type that comes from outerspace.

I do not doubt it.  There are enough whackos to believe anything about someone somewhere running for office that is a tea cup short of a tea set.