Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on June 26, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

You may, or may not have heard about the WaPo ditching blogger David Weigel for saying some mean things about some conservatives. I've been sort of ignoring it. I try to at least.

Generally, I try to avoid spending much time with a story if it's the media being the news. Helen Thomas is one thing---because she's basically an American institution. Weigel? A twenty something who's fiscally to the left, socially to the right, a penchant for ripping social conservatives and recognizes that the GOP is a total trainwreck. I make an exception.

when Limbaugh was rushed to the hospital with chest pains, Washington Post reporter David Weigel had a wish of his own. “I hope he fails,” Weigel cracked to fellow liberal reporters on the “Journolist” email list-serv.

“Honestly, it’s been tough to find fresh angles sometimes–how many times can I report that these [tea party] activists are joyfully signing up with the agenda of discredited right-winger X and discredited right-wing group Y?

Matt Drudge should "handle his emotional problems more responsibly and set himself on fire."

That last one almost made me spill my drink. Good snark. Obviously, if you're a hardened conservative or over the age of 40, you probably won't be able to get with the humor, but still hilarious.

On your own you can peruse through wingnutistan to read the predictable coverage, mostly amounting to "YEAH HE'S NOT A REAL CONSERVATIVE HE DIDN'T VOTE FOR RE-RE AND HE DOESN'T THINK THAT GLENN BECK IS THE 13TH APOSTLE".

It's giggleworthy because:

1. Weigel is at least little l if not further over.

2. If he were a liberal op or a plant or something, it would conclusively prove that most 'movement' conservatives are stupid and only serves as proof positive that when your only qualifications for admission into the not-so-big tent are "hate a brown, a gay, Obama and own a gun", you could very easily find yourself knee deep in crack pots.

3. If you are down with the idea that Weigel is little l, there's the overarching point that: that while conservatives haven't been real effective at stirring up votes, they've been damn effective at snuffing out intellectual dissidence and that total lack of divergent ideas which is one of the many reasons why the GOP is a fucking trainwreck. Proven correct, yet again.

on Jun 26, 2010

I see you skimmed and did not read.  He was hired to report on conservatives, he was never a conservative.  And indeed, his writing indicates a gross misunderstanding of the reason most of the MSM is failing.  They simply have no conception of balanced.

So laugh and snark.  It is a hollow laugh, now is it not?

on Jun 26, 2010

he was never a conservative.



1. Weigel is at least little l if not further over.

2. If he were a liberal op or a plant or something, it would conclusively prove that most 'movement' conservatives are stupid and only serves as proof positive that when your only qualifications for admission into the not-so-big tent are "hate a brown, a gay, Obama and own a gun", you could very easily find yourself knee deep in crack pots.

3. If you are down with the idea that Weigel is little l, there's the overarching point that: that while conservatives haven't been real effective at stirring up votes, they've been damn effective at snuffing out intellectual dissidence and that total lack of divergent ideas which is one of the many reasons why the GOP is a fucking trainwreck. Proven correct, yet again.






on Jun 26, 2010

He is about as independent as Obama.  I can say I am a liberal democrat.   But my words and actions would belie that statement, as does his.  He is actually a fraud as he wanted people to think he was somehow unbiased.  Clearly to anyone right of Mao Tse Dung, he is not.

on Jun 26, 2010

You really don't get it, do you? 

on Jun 26, 2010

You really don't get it, do you? 

No, you do not.  I enjoy most of your posts, but you do have a propensity to over dramatize the irrelevant.  This is one of them.  YOu can claim he is conservative, or that the organization he worked for is, but you would be wrong in both cases.  And in the grand scheme of things, conservatives do not care.  Why?  Because what the liberals want to assign to us is not true and easily rebutted.  As is this case.

If you think Chris Matthews is neutral, then you are liberal.  That is not a slur, just a fact.

on Jun 26, 2010

YOu can claim he is conservative, or that the organization he worked for is, but you would be wrong in both cases.

That's the whole point.  Read the post: 


It's giggleworthy because:

1. Weigel is at least little l if not further over.

2. If he were a liberal op or a plant or something, it would conclusively prove that most 'movement' conservatives are stupid and only serves as proof positive that when your only qualifications for admission into the not-so-big tent are "hate a brown, a gay, Obama and own a gun", you could very easily find yourself knee deep in crack pots.

3. If you are down with the idea that Weigel is little l, there's the overarching point that: that while conservatives haven't been real effective at stirring up votes, they've been damn effective at snuffing out intellectual dissidence and that total lack of divergent ideas which is one of the many reasons why the GOP is a fucking trainwreck. Proven correct, yet again.


The guy is a little l.  That typically indicates that he has a greatly propensity to be right leaning than left.  And like many, many people who fall into that category, he thinks the gop is totally off the rails.  And here's the rank and file republicans, who would rather dump the guy from the fold than be introspective and realize that they really off track. 


I really can't fathom how you would not get that. 

on Jun 26, 2010

The guy is a little l. That typically indicates that he has a greatly propensity to be right leaning than left. And like many, many people who fall into that category, he thinks the gop is totally off the rails. And here's the rank and file republicans, who would rather dump the guy from the fold than be introspective and realize that they really off track.

You appear to be somewhat unreceptive to other opinions, but mine is that you don't have a bleepin' clue what you're talking about and you're as bigoted as they come.

on Jun 27, 2010

You appear to be somewhat unreceptive to other opinions,



but mine is that you don't have a bleepin' clue what you're talking about



you're talking about and you're as bigoted as they come.

Wrong again. 


You get the hat trick of stupid!

on Jun 27, 2010

The more I read you, the more I get a sense you are a JFK liberal.  In other words the republican moderates are closer to you than the Kerry Democrats.  Still, you are not sure what you are, and so you cant understand when someone does not see things the way you do.

You have an interesting view of things that I will continue to read just to try to understand the center.  Because in today's world, you are what is called the center (left center to be exact).  I will continue to comment, but only to give you another perspective. I do not expect to change your views at all.

on Jun 27, 2010

In other words the republican moderates are closer to you than the Kerry Democrats.

Kind of true.  I loathe Kerry democrats almost as much as I can't stomach the Deaniacs. That hardly makes me a 'jfk liberal'. 


Still, you are not sure what you are

Totally untrue. 


It's not about wearing a tshirt or being facebook friends with your political party.