Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...

Oooooo ourage of outrages!

Here’s the Thomas More Center’s press release, which notes that there was trouble at last year’s Dearborn Arab festival too. Evidently the cops were worried that the presence of Christian lit at a mostly Muslim event might produce some “excitement,” so they solved the problem by punishing the party that tried to peacefully exercise its rights. Note to the defendants: Don’t forget to ask for damages. A lot of damages.

The hysteria in the comments is quite funny. Sometimes when you try to IRL troll, you get the IRL banhammer.....

In reality: the cops did it to prevent trouble, any charges will most likely be dropped. From the perspective of the cops---what do you want on your report at the end of the night? "Arrested religious crazy" or "Broke up holy war during street fair".

This is, of course, Pride Weekend here in Chicago. The wife and I take the baby because it's a great family event loaded with the kind of inclusiveness that hardened Christians purport to represent. Attendance these days 'officially' approaches a half a million, but that's counting the parade only, and I don't think anybody argues with the idea that the whole of the pride event having a million attendees.

One of the things that can be counted on year after year, are white panel vans from the suburbs rolling in with their packs of derranged Jesus loons to 'protest'. A great source of pride amongst Chicagoans is our neighborhood system, and the LGBT community is largely recognized as a neighborhood owner. That is to say, much like the Irish or the Italians or the Polish - they have their own area, their own culture, their own resturants, and their own parties. The jeebus types are largely from South of the Mason Dixon (or something---who cares---somewhere that's not here) and don't really have a great understanding of exactly what life is the big city is (they are, after all---just country mice). So in effect, these Fred Phelps wannabes are doing an ever so hilarious reenactment of the first few moments of the famed Harlem sandwich board scene from Die Hard - really only making total fools of themselves. Thankfully, the Chicago Police sit on top of these people to preclude them from getting violent. Really it's quite sad that the event has to be tainted with police presence due to these urban foreigners.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Jun 30, 2010

The organisation that determined itself to be above the law was the party that didn't want the Christians to be heard or the Christians?

In their world Leauki, anyone not with them are the ones that consider themselves above the law.  the bee pee pontificates on the patriot act (forgetting of course his side passed it), and totally ignores the abrogation of rights systematically happening under Il Duce (because he loves him, hmmm, hmmm, hmmmm). 

When I was young, I was so cock sure that nothing like Nazi Germany could happen again as we were so enlightened.  But as I have grown in age and wisdom, I see how easy it was for the Austrian Corporal.  He is replicated in every society, and sometimes gains power.  There are so many stupid people that cannot see past the end of their nose and are bound and determined to repeat those mistakes - all for the greater glory of "putting them thar trolls in their place".

It does scare me.  And every time I see the ACLU doing something that I think is petty and stupid, I still thank god they are around to stop those "troll haters" from taking away my rights.  Because I am sure given the opportunity, they would try - for peace in our time of course.

on Jun 30, 2010

DrG posts:

And that is why you have to defend the "least of us" to ensure your own rights.

Agree 100%. This brings the abortion holocaust to mind....4,000 per day, 6,000 on a busy Saturday in the USA.  

The discussion could be boiled down to once the moral law is thrown into the trashcan, there is a proliferation of things people (even the "least of us" trapped in the womb) can be punished for.  

on Jun 30, 2010

Leaves falling brings the 'abortion holocaust' to mind for some people.

on Jun 30, 2010

Did it  just say 'abortion holocaust'?



on Jul 01, 2010


The organisation that determined itself to be above the law was the party that didn't want the Christians to be heard or the Christians?

if you read the article contained in my response #24 (i think--at the bottom of the first page of this thread in any event), you'd already know there was no party in this case who "didn't want the christians to be heard" and there'd be no need for me to post it again here: 

"Festival organizer Fay Beydoun said the evangelical group was being offered a good spot in an area with a number of other religious, nonprofit and political groups. “You have to pass right in front of it to get anywhere,” said Beydoun, executive director of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce.

The group sued Dearborn after police told the Rev. George Saieg members would need to restrict literature distribution to a designated table-and-booth section of the festival site.

The city said safely accommodating the 150,000 daily festival-goers requires limits on where people can leaflet. It said other Christian and Muslim groups already have tables and booths for distributing material at the festival.

City officials say anyone is free to have conversations — but not leaflet — on sidewalks within the festival’s barricades.

“It appears to be a legitimate governmental interest for crowd control and safety,” Edmunds said in denying the request. “The festival area is more akin to a fair than a normal city street.”

 there would be no dispute if these 'jews for jesus' wannabes had not convinced themselves they somehow deserved special consideration and, after having their case heard by a federal judge  who rejected their arguments, chosen to violate what seems to be a reasonable, legitimate city ordinance.  

I myself find so-called "peace activists" roaming the streets much more Nazi-like then the states or governments they call "fascist".

i'm not at all sure how that's relevant to the statement you quoted in which i referred to tactics used by actual nazis and their sympathizers to advance their cause during the actual 1920s-early 1930s in the actual country of germany--unless what you're saying is you feel hitler and the sa were somehow less nazi-like than the peace activists to whom you allude. 

In my experience those neo-nazis who want a public forum just rename themselves "peace activists" and are then acknowledged as standing above the law.

once again, i wasn't theorizing but referring to actual organizations that are publicly proclaimed by their members as neo-nazis. i doubt they'd appreciate being designated as peace activists.  they generally wear uniforms similar to or clearly derivative of those worn by ss members, bear colors festooned with swastikas, etc.

when they elect to hold rallies on public property, they acquire all necessary permits and make a point of fully complying with local regulations.  it has nothing to do with respecting authority or claiming special status; the most provocative element is location.  communities with ethnic majorities are often targeted--especially places like skokie il at a time when it was home\ to a substantial number of holocaust survivors. 

on Jul 01, 2010

once again, i wasn't theorizing but referring to actual organizations that are publicly proclaimed by their members as neo-nazis. i doubt they'd appreciate being designated as peace activists. they generally wear uniforms similar to or clearly derivative of those worn by ss members, bear colors festooned with swastikas, etc.

And you know quite well how much attention is paid to them.  If it weren't for the liberal media trying to smear conservatives, they'd get no attention paid to them at all.

on Jul 02, 2010

If it weren't for the liberal media trying to smear conservatives, they'd get no attention paid to them at all.

"'dog bites man' = not news;'man bites dog' =news"

                                   --gruff old editor layin down the law to new reporter fresh outta college

as long as that fundamental rule of reportage remains in effect, it's a story that gets space and/or air at both ends of the spectrum because:

'neo nazi nuts run riot at rally' = not news


'suburban storm troopers outshine scouts and shriners' = news

by the same token

"bible thumpers run amok...and afoul of the law' = news

on Jul 02, 2010

'neo nazi nuts run riot at rally' = not news

It would be, these days.

The media have reported man bites dog so often that most people believe that dogs never bite men.

It is true that the media like reporting the rare rather than the usual. But it is also their job to report the truth. They should tell people that they focus on the rare.


on Jul 02, 2010


'neo nazi nuts run riot at rally' = not news

It would be, these days.

The media have reported man bites dog so often that most people believe that dogs never bite men.

It is true that the media like reporting the rare rather than the usual. But it is also their job to report the truth. They should tell people that they focus on the rare.

But only for certain types as Daiwa points out.  The media is lionizing Byrd, the last sitting member of the KKK in the senate (totally ignoring the fact that while he said he repented, his language indicated he never did).  Yet they widely report lies about conservatives - because it fits their agenda (see Boehner and Social Security).

Those who claim the MSM is only doing its job are basically saying that as long as they are reporting what the listener wants to hear, incompetence is fine.  And besides the gross bias, that is what it is.  The inability of the media to do their job.  It is no longer them not wanting to do it, it is just gross incompetence.

on Jul 02, 2010

Those who claim the MSM is only doing its job are basically saying that as long as they are reporting what the listener wants to hear, incompetence is fine.

I think for the MSM it's beyond incompetence...they are outright complicit in tearing apart and bringing America down.

The good news is as far as listeners, they don't have a whole lot of them anymore.



on Jul 02, 2010

They lionize Byrd while demonizing Rand Paul.  They just can't help themselves, being so blind to the hypocrisy.

on Jul 06, 2010

They lionize Byrd while demonizing Rand Paul.  They just can't help themselves, being so blind to the hypocrisy.

I would love to see Leauki comment on your statement (I happen to agree with it).

on Jul 06, 2010

They lionize Byrd while demonizing Rand Paul.  They just can't help themselves, being so blind to the hypocrisy.

I would love to see Leauki comment on your statement (I happen to agree with it).

I assume you both know what my opinion is on Robert Byrd and the media.

And yes, I agree that it is hypocritical to celebrate Robert Byrd and demonize Rand Paul. I myself find Rand Paul less demonic than his father and neither is as bad as Robert Byrd (or anyone who ever joined a club like the KKK).

Many politicians somehow managed to grow up in the south without joining the KKK and I don't think joining the KKK is just a "mistake". And while I believe that someone can join the KKK and then leave in disgust and become a completely decent human being again, I do not believe that the US Senate is the right place for that person.

My opinion on Ron Paul is well know, I guess, and my opinion on his son is really not much different. But I have always described them as loonies rather than evil people. I think they, especially Ron, are limited to their constituency and don't understand what's going on in the world. They should be representatives in a state parliament, not at the federal level. (For example, anyone who argues that withdrawing US aid from Israel, Egypt and Jordan, would benefit Israel because it withdraws relatively more aid from Israel's "enemies" than from Israel must have slept through developments since 1979 at least and really should be allowed to influence US foreign policy.)

So while I am sure that Robert Byrd was a decent human being for most of his life, I cannot agree with the media celebrating him as an American hero. He was not a hero. He was just someone who made a huge mistake because something was seriously wrong with his character and who managed to correct that mistake. That's not a hero. It takes tremendous effort, but he did not, as far as I can see, ever rise above the level he reached after correcting his mistake. And neither did he have a responsibility to become anything more than a decent person.

I still remember the speech by one Republican about Strom Thurmond and about how America would have been a better place if Strom Thurmond had been President (?) at the time, obviously not taking into account Thurmond's views on race in that decade. Lionizing Byrd is exactly the same, except in as much as Thurmond never supported the use of violence to make his point about his racist views.


on Jul 06, 2010

I assume you both know what my opinion is on Robert Byrd and the media.

Before now?  Only the media and Paul, not Byrd.

Many politicians somehow managed to grow up in the south without joining the KKK

Funny thing is - Byrd was never in the "south".  West Virginia was the part of Virginia that seceded from the state of Virginia and chose to remain with the North.

I cannot agree with the media celebrating him as an American hero. He was not a hero. He was just someone who made a huge mistake because something was seriously wrong with his character and who managed to correct that mistake.

The Funny thing about that - he was elected to congress in 49.  He conceded in the early 80s that blacks could be people as well.  And it was in the 60s, long after he was elected (so making a liar of Bill clinton) that he filibustered the Civil Rights law.

I still remember the speech by one Republican about Strom Thurmond and about how America would have been a better place if Strom Thurmond had been President (?) at the time, obviously not taking into account Thurmond's views on race in that decade.

That was Trent Lott, Senate majority Leader at the time, and the event was Thurman's 100th birthday.

on Jul 06, 2010

Before now?  Only the media and Paul, not Byrd.

Well, I think an opinion on KKK-Democrats was implied.

A white man who ever thought blacks are inferior most likely also hates Jews. And a black man who thinks whites are inferior most likely hates Jews too.

And the latter is not even needed to trigger my opposition reflex.


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