Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...

Oooooo ourage of outrages!

Here’s the Thomas More Center’s press release, which notes that there was trouble at last year’s Dearborn Arab festival too. Evidently the cops were worried that the presence of Christian lit at a mostly Muslim event might produce some “excitement,” so they solved the problem by punishing the party that tried to peacefully exercise its rights. Note to the defendants: Don’t forget to ask for damages. A lot of damages.

The hysteria in the comments is quite funny. Sometimes when you try to IRL troll, you get the IRL banhammer.....

In reality: the cops did it to prevent trouble, any charges will most likely be dropped. From the perspective of the cops---what do you want on your report at the end of the night? "Arrested religious crazy" or "Broke up holy war during street fair".

This is, of course, Pride Weekend here in Chicago. The wife and I take the baby because it's a great family event loaded with the kind of inclusiveness that hardened Christians purport to represent. Attendance these days 'officially' approaches a half a million, but that's counting the parade only, and I don't think anybody argues with the idea that the whole of the pride event having a million attendees.

One of the things that can be counted on year after year, are white panel vans from the suburbs rolling in with their packs of derranged Jesus loons to 'protest'. A great source of pride amongst Chicagoans is our neighborhood system, and the LGBT community is largely recognized as a neighborhood owner. That is to say, much like the Irish or the Italians or the Polish - they have their own area, their own culture, their own resturants, and their own parties. The jeebus types are largely from South of the Mason Dixon (or something---who cares---somewhere that's not here) and don't really have a great understanding of exactly what life is the big city is (they are, after all---just country mice). So in effect, these Fred Phelps wannabes are doing an ever so hilarious reenactment of the first few moments of the famed Harlem sandwich board scene from Die Hard - really only making total fools of themselves. Thankfully, the Chicago Police sit on top of these people to preclude them from getting violent. Really it's quite sad that the event has to be tainted with police presence due to these urban foreigners.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 25, 2010

Or maybe you will hear nothing?  Since the TM center is right.  it is an infringement on the 1st amendment rights.  I think they are being stupid by handing out the literature there (like what Muslim will convert if they take the time to go to a festival??), but slowly our rights as Americans are disappearing down the PC hole.  Whether you want to believe that there would be violence (the Muslims did not seem to be too inclined for it, and of course the christians were out to make a point - which they did). or not, no one was "inciting" violence.  But go ahead and think you are safe because some big bad christian nut jobs were locked up over night for practicing a right. 

next time you go to a park, maybe some nut job who does not like screaming babies is going to have you arrested too.  Little by little what you can do is disappearing - and all you can see is that they are whackos.

on Jun 25, 2010

I've never understood why people feel the need to insult religious people and categorize them as nutjobs. I believe in God but I am not one of those who goes around as if I did not have a job and try to convince the world that without Jesus or God you have no future after death or what ever. I would consider them annoying but if that is what they want to believe that's fine, I can't take that away from them. But I won't call them crazy. I have no right to treat them this way and I would not want to be treated this way by someone who does not agree with what i believe in.

As for the story, if you believe locking up these Jesus fanatics was a good idea for the sake of avoiding a problem that may or may not have happened then you do not believe in what this country stands for, was built on and what so many have given their lives to protect.

It's a shame that anyone would easily give a pass to someone who could potentially cause a problem that could lead to violence simply because they agree with this person and at that moment the 1st Amendment applies in your opinion but when the persons opinion is contrary to theirs they want them arrested or removed with the excuse that they might cause violence if allowed to exercise  a 1st amendment right that they have but should really be changed to exclude them because in your mind it should not apply at that moment.

on Jun 25, 2010

I would probably be called a Jesus freak and I guess I am but I don't make a habit of going into places like this passing out literature.  But that's just me.  Some people feel led to do it and I think they should be able to as long as they do so respectfully.  In this case, that's what it looks like. 

Peter and Paul, (Apostles of the new Christian faith) as well as many in the faith were arrested countless of times for doing nothing more than what was going on here.  That's part of the price for following Christ. 

It's ok to warn others about all sorts of things, tornados, hurricanes, scams,  and other dangers when it comes to the physical but it's not ok to warn of impending danger concerning the spiritual realm which is just as relevant.

Instead of condemning those who are passing out pamphlets you could consider they are only caring enough about you to warn you of a very real upcoming event.  Even if you feel they are not right, they are only going according to their conscience and their faith to "go out into the world and tell others."   It's out of love and concern they do this.  Don't you think they could be doing some much more selfish with their free time? 

By it's very nature Christianity is offensive to most of the world outside of it.  For that purpose alone many are way to quick to jump all over it given the chance without really thinking about the whole thing. 

It has nothing to do with handing out literature.  Because if it was any other group, it wouldn't be a problem.  People pass out literature for all sorts of reasons.  I was at a public event the other day and a guy was handing out business cards to promote his adult comedy act.  I didn't go on the rampage against him nor did I hear anyone complain.   Had he been handing out Jesus tracts I'm sure there would have been much murmuring going around. 

I say, smile, accept it and line your birdcage with it if you don't want to read it. 



on Jun 25, 2010

but slowly our rights as Americans are disappearing down the PC hole.


Hang on. Let me go check..........










I just went outside. Everything looks pretty good over here.



Whether you want to believe that there would be violence (the Muslims did not seem to be too inclined for it, and of course the christians were out to make a point - which they did). or not, no one was "inciting" violence.


It doesn't matter what I believe. the cops made the call. And they were probably right.



next time you go to a park, maybe some nut job who does not like screaming babies is going to have you arrested too.


Yeah. Because that's the same thing.



It's a shame that anyone would easily give a pass to someone who could potentially cause a problem that could lead to violence simply because they agree with this person and at that moment the 1st Amendment applies in your opinion but when the persons opinion is contrary to theirs they want them arrested or removed with the excuse that they might cause violence if allowed to exercise a 1st amendment right that they have but should really be changed to exclude them because in your mind it should not apply at that moment.


Tell ya what: why don't you not tell me what my opinions are and not put words in my mouth. I could care less if the situation was vice versa. I'm ambivalent to the idea of these nuts getting locked up because I get why the cops would do it. I get a little bit of a neck cramp looking the other way if only because of the reasoning I explained above: Dearborn is a largely muslim community. A muslim festival, no doubt is a muslim community event. Those folks should be able to enjoy their festival in their homes without having to do deal with some other crazy people pissing in their backyard. That's just basic civility. Certain, I don't think of the backyard pissing as being illegal, but I'm not going to make a whole lot of effort to get outraged.


For what it's worth, that neck cramps quite a bit in situations like this. People who bug women at clinics? Fred Phelps? The punks who go and dick around across the street from the arch diocese? Yeah. I can sleep easy with them having a rough day.





Instead of condemning those who are passing out pamphlets you could consider they are only caring enough about you to warn you of a very real upcoming event.


And what event might that be?








Guys, seriously: This is really an issue of practical law enforcement. What good comes of this situation otherwise? Seriously, you put 2 irrational, unreasonable groups together that are diametrically opposed, both groups are known world wide for their bloodlust, what the hell do you think is going to happen? Are they going to make peace in the middle east? Solve world hunger? Folks: the best case scenario is nothing happens. The worst is, you have a major situation. And mind you, this is in Dearborn Michigan, a town that's known for having a massive Muslim population. What do you really think is going to happen?




It has nothing to do with handing out literature. Because if it was any other group, it wouldn't be a problem. People pass out literature for all sorts of reasons. I was at a public event the other day and a guy was handing out business cards to promote his adult comedy act. I didn't go on the rampage against him nor did I hear anyone complain. Had he been handing out Jesus tracts I'm sure there would have been much murmuring going around.


You'd have to be very disconnected to go along with that.  When you go to pitt your faith against another faith, or pit your faith against some group of people who haven't done shit to you, that's a very different from billing your latest stand up act. 



on Jun 26, 2010

both groups are known world wide for their bloodlust

that's not true.  Any Christian killing another for their faith IS NOT following their leader.  Christ said himself "The world will know you are my disciple by the love you have for one another." 

The Muslims are following their leader who said to "kill all the infidels."  Two different groups.  Two different operations. 

The Christian way is NOT to do violence but to do good in the face of evil. 

The people you are referring to (past, present or future) were NOT Christians.  Doesn't matter that they called themselves Christian or they did something in the name of Christ.  It will be as Christ said "I do not know you"  when they say to him "didn't we do this in your name?"    They will not be recognizeable as Christians to Christ himself.  A Christian is a follower of Christ.  He was a non violent, loving, kind, humble and a great servant leader.  We are called to follow his ways, not the world's. 

You are making assumptions due to ignorance.  I think you'd better read the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) before you do a running commentary on what it takes to be a Christian. 


on Jun 26, 2010

And what event might that be?

judgment before our maker/creator. 

on Jun 26, 2010

I just went outside. Everything looks pretty good over here.

Take off your rose colored glasses.  Stupidity is no excuse.

It doesn't matter what I believe. the cops made the call. And they were probably right.

Tell that to Napoleon.

Yeah. Because that's the same thing.

Depends upon who is making the rules, now doesn't it?  That is my point which you snarkily seem to avoid understanding.

on Jun 26, 2010

The point here is, this is America.  In America, we have certain rights. Arresting people for exercising those rights is wrong. Period.

And why were the police assuming there would be violence? I thought profiling was wrong, too.

on Jun 26, 2010

The people you are referring to (past, present or future) were NOT Christians. Doesn't matter that they called themselves Christian or they did something in the name of Christ.

judgment before our maker/creator.

LOL.  Lula, is that you? 



Take off your rose colored glasses. Stupidity is no excuse.

Come on DG, nobody could be that dense and still breath.  Some crackpots looking for trouble got locked up and you think your rights are in danger? 


Depends upon who is making the rules, now doesn't it? That is my point which you snarkily seem to avoid understanding.

No.  Share with us your point.  That somehow, my daughter 'crying in a park' is somehow akin to a couple of dopes with a video camera looking to go harass some Muslims?  Please.  Share with us how the two are even remotely the same. 



on Jun 26, 2010

The people you are referring to (past, present or future) were NOT Christians. Doesn't matter that they called themselves Christian or they did something in the name of Christ.

judgment before our maker/creator.

LOL.  Lula, is that you? 



Take off your rose colored glasses. Stupidity is no excuse.

Come on DG, nobody could be that dense and still breath.  Some crackpots looking for trouble got locked up and you think your rights are in danger? 


Depends upon who is making the rules, now doesn't it? That is my point which you snarkily seem to avoid understanding.

No.  Share with us your point.  That somehow, my daughter 'crying in a park' is somehow akin to a couple of dopes with a video camera looking to go harass some Muslims?  Please.  Share with us how the two are even remotely the same. 



on Jun 26, 2010

Share with us how the two are even remotely the same.

Both are 100% legal. Neither is an arrestable offense.

on Jun 26, 2010

Right.  Except one has the very real potential to start a riot. 


Oh wait.  Both Christians and Muslims are peace loving.  They'd never get crazy if due to perceived insulting of their religion, right? 

on Jun 26, 2010

Come on DG, nobody could be that dense and still breath. Some crackpots looking for trouble got locked up and you think your rights are in danger?

Yes. I do not like it when the KKK marches (and there is a lot more potential for violence in those instances).  Yet I know that I have to allow them because the alternative is that some clown is going to decide what is "acceptable" and what is not.  WHile today we may agree with those clowns, tomorrow who is to say?  That is why the right of free speech has to be inviolate.  Whether you agree with the speaker or not.  We do have the right to not LISTEN.

No. Share with us your point. That somehow, my daughter 'crying in a park' is somehow akin to a couple of dopes with a video camera looking to go harass some Muslims? Please. Share with us how the two are even remotely the same.

Yep!  You still do not get it.  Your daughter's noise is offensive to some.  What if those some are making the rules?  Unless you protect the rights of all to be offensive, what you consider offensive is a whim of whomever is in charge.

on Jun 26, 2010

Right. Except one has the very real potential to start a riot.

Oh wait. Both Christians and Muslims are peace loving. They'd never get crazy if due to perceived insulting of their religion, right?

Again you are being clueless.  ALL have the potential to start a riot.  Have you analyzed what starts riots?  Something as stupid as an apple thrown in the wrong direction.  So that excuses the rioters?  Your writing indicates an intelligent person.  So use that intelligence and think.  Look beyond the current into what will be.  And do not say "that can never happen" as it does daily!  What was unthinkable 20 years ago is somehow acceptable today?  Why?  Because of creeping incremental-ism (the boiling frog scenario).

Some Muslims (see Salman Rushdie) are very intolerant.  And they are supported by fatwas issued by their clergy.  Show is a similar situation with TODAY's Christians.

on Jun 26, 2010

Some crackpots looking for trouble got locked up and you think your rights are in danger?

You still do not get it.

nope.  He doesn't.  He must be very young.

It's interesting to me that the Phelps crew never seem to get in trouble when they're picketing funerals and such and they are looking for trouble while others are making peaceful type of contacts and get thrown in jail. 

Is it because one is really (spiritually) offensive and the other is not?   Could there be more than meets the eye?  I think so. 


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