Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...

A really fascinating read:

"The political system is broken partly because of Internet," Barlow said. "It's made it impossible to govern anything the size of the nation-state. We're going back to the city-state. The nation-state is ungovernably information-rich."

I like it because it challenges the notion that the 'new media' is always inherently good or 'better' than it's 'old' media counterpart. It's not a universal truth. It never was. It will never be. It's not exactly revolutionary to say that:

1. Many people lack the rubric to assess the quality of information being presented

2. Many information outlets put at least a little bit of english on the presentation of information.

3. The internet has the ability to couple tons of information at high rates of speed

4. Even in the social media, social influences drives the discussion to the point where dogma of whatever stripe is the only acceptable discussion

You mix it all together you have a whole lot of people consuming a whole lot of information while repeating it in these echo chambers. It's not difficult to say that the noise generated by this can be a bit deafening for anybody trying to accomplish something.

As an aside, I'm usually pretty suspicious of libertarians that push the whole local-is-better utopian garbage. That usually pisses off older conservatives who fellate the ghost of Ronald Reagan because they don't understand the differences between the small government the big tent was about vs the small government that the paulbots was about. Though in this case, I don't get the impression that Barlow is campaigning for libertarian jackassery, rather I think he's just extending the small government thing as the only logical solution to the problem he brings up.

on Jun 05, 2010

The guy is stupid or ignorant.  Several false statements:

"It's made it impossible to govern anything the size of the nation-state.

Nation-state is a particular type of country (think of what Hitler was trying to do with all the Germans).  His use of it indicates he does not understand what he is talking about.

Barlow also said that President Barack Obama's election, driven largely by small donations,

Which we know again to be a lie.  Obama got more big donations than McCain did, and most of his money came from big ones.

He should stick to what he knows and not make a fool of himself by sounding off on things he is clueless on.

As to your take on it, you are a lot smarter than he was.  I think you are pretty accurate as far as you go, but you stopped short.

The internet is just the soap box on the corner where anyone is free to express their ideas or opinions.  The difference is instead of reaching a few ears in one city, you reach a few eyes in several states/countries.  As a source for news, it is invaluable, but it is not going to be handed to you on a silver platter.  Like anything in life, the value is related to the effort expended.

on Jun 06, 2010

He should stick to what he knows and not make a fool of himself by sounding off on things he is clueless on.

Unfortunately, I don't think he knows much beyond writing songs for the Dead.  That and being the king of intertube rights. 


The difference is instead of reaching a few ears in one city, you reach a few eyes in several states/countries. As a source for news, it is invaluable, but it is not going to be handed to you on a silver platter. Like anything in life, the value is related to the effort expended.


But with the known quality issues, don't you think that causes some difficult to rectify problems?