Tech, politics, sports, and the overuse of ellipses...
Published on August 28, 2010 By dan_l In Blogging

I sort of thought this clown had died. Or at least had retreated to a compound where can do his durr durr huntin' in peace. But no.....


Nugent appeared at a show in Dubuque, Iowa, and told the crowd, “There’s a lot of white people in this crowd — I like that! (Dubuque) is a white town.” The Telegraph Herald added that “Nugent also pointed out at least one audience member and questioned his race.” The Iowa-based newspaper also slammed Nugent’s remarks in an editorial, and noted that Nugent has a history of incendiary remarks.

But it's been a busy week for "Nuge":

Dori: Do you believe he’s a Muslim?

Nuge: “You’re damn right I do! He says he’s a Christian so he can continue with his jihad of a America-destroying policies.”

Dori: “So you believe he is a Muslim operative who has, through deceit, gotten amazing power in this nation and this world?”

Nuge: You have stated my position exactly.

Wow. Just wow. Clearly, a speaker at a Glenn Beck 'civil rights' rally, couldn't be at all racist or anti-muslim. I think both of those articles note that Nugent has been a guest on "The Political Cesspool", a white nationalist radio show.

I think that's been the strangest thing of the Obama era. The line between the white power types and the fringe of the conservative movement has become increasingly blurred. Whether it's been the fringe getting more crazy and more prominent (true) or the nationalist types just being smart enough to capitalize on it (probably true as well) there is a combined synergy - at the very least - shared desires on individual issues. This isn't an isolated circumstance -- RSM, that nut from Atlas, some strains of the Tea Party have all had their interactions with various kinds of racist organizations.

Unrelated, but speaking of tools from Michigan, enjoy the textual beheading of KSK Tony Dungy by KSK Rex Ryan.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 30, 2010

And btw, yeah, you "know" me. Well, to the extent you can know someone on a website.

Thought so. The question is why do you change your name (and start a new account for that matter) so much? One would think you are not a person comfortable in their own skin.

on Sep 01, 2010

He has not denied evolution as some (formerly alive) people are want to do.

only the truly brave find sport in killing a semi-comatose animal.

on Sep 01, 2010


only the truly brave find sport in killing a semi-comatose animal.

I was not aware that he was baiting fields with drugged food.  Got a link on that charge?

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